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Leedom111's Art


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Awww I love all your Christmas art <3 <3 The Shoyru is absolutely adorable, I cant get over his little red cheeks :*


Also good luck for the Giveaway :D Seems like you'd be *slightly* happy if you won :laughingsmiley:

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I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well. I really enjoy that first Christmas picture you posted, as well as the other two pictures.

I can't wait for any New Year's pictures from you (if any).

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Wow I love the first christmas one! What do you use to do lineart or to draw your pictures? I'm stuck using photoshop right now with my 4x5 tablet instead of the new big one i got, and I got so frustrated with drawing lines I ended up learning a bit of illustrator instead.


The textures are cool. I've never tried using textures in my art although I've always wanted to. I've just always been too lazy to find textures and figure out how to install them xD.


I was drawing something for ogrin day too and it came out early! It's supposed to be on the 28th but I guess they're on holiday so they released it early? I think I'm still going to finish my drawing and maybe try to submit it some other time.

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I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well. I really enjoy that first Christmas picture you posted, as well as the other two pictures.

I can't wait for any New Year's pictures from you (if any).

Thanks :D


Man, I feel like it's too early to think about New Year's... (even though it's actually not)

But I have no idea what to draw! :( Suggestions plz?



Wow I love the first christmas one! What do you use to do lineart or to draw your pictures?


The textures are cool. I've never tried using textures in my art although I've always wanted to. I've just always been too lazy to find textures and figure out how to install them xD.

I use photoshop and my big ol' 9x11 (I think) tablet :)

Usually I do two sketches, one with really basic shapes and then a more detailed version, but I feel like my lines come out looking too stiff. For this picture I mixed it up and only made my first sketch. Then I sort of "sketched" in the lines. I think it came out really well.


Textures are actually simpler than you think! All you need is an image (like maybe some textured paper, or a rock wall). Save the image, then put it in a new layer in photoshop. Set the blending mode to your choice (overlay, soft light, and hard light are good), maybe make some color adjustments, and voila! Texture :D

It is, of course, important that your texture is large enough to cover your image, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem since AG entries can only be 500 px anyway.

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I use photoshop and my big ol' 9x11 (I think) tablet :)

Usually I do two sketches, one with really basic shapes and then a more detailed version, but I feel like my lines come out looking too stiff. For this picture I mixed it up and only made my first sketch. Then I sort of "sketched" in the lines. I think it came out really well.


Textures are actually simpler than you think! All you need is an image (like maybe some textured paper, or a rock wall). Save the image, then put it in a new layer in photoshop. Set the blending mode to your choice (overlay, soft light, and hard light are good), maybe make some color adjustments, and voila! Texture :D

It is, of course, important that your texture is large enough to cover your image, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem since AG entries can only be 500 px anyway.


I'm having so much trouble doing lines in photoshop lately. It might be that I'm used to my big tablet (it's 9x12 too, intuos4) but I'm stuck using a 4x5 graphire3 right now. Although I am positive I used to do lineart just fine in photoshop with my 4x5 tablet, all my old art was done with it =/. Maybe I just need to get used to it again. Is there any kind of setting in photoshop that would make lines less shaky? I usually use SAI or open canvas which are a lot easier to use with a small tablet, but I'm stuck on my macbook pro and those programs dont work for mac =(. I like this program called sketchbook pro best, but I like to do my pictures in high resolution and it won't let me.

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Thanks for the compliments :D And... I think you mean Usuls? Anyway, I find that adding textures often helps out the visual interest of artwork. Just try to match the feel with a texture (coarse or smooth, faint or strong, etc). There's a ton of textures available for free at http://www.cgtextures.com/


Facepalm. Hahaha, I'm sorry about that! Yeah, I totally meant Usul. I have no idea why I wrote Cybunny. Thanks for the link to all those textures! I'm definitely going to use some of those!

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Grats on getting in for day of giving! Seems like they won't accept any of my stuff. I'm not sure what to do. Do you have any tips? Do you submit multiple pictures to each feature?


Maybe I should change around my style, or spend less time on each one and make more pictures. >.< I don't know!

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Grats on getting in for day of giving! Seems like they won't accept any of my stuff. I'm not sure what to do. Do you have any tips? Do you submit multiple pictures to each feature?


Maybe I should change around my style, or spend less time on each one and make more pictures. >.< I don't know!

I usually only do one picture per event, but I have a bunch of general pictures I submit as well. I did submit a couple for the day of giving, though.


Well, with how good you are, I definitely think you could spend less time and it would still look awesome! :P I feel like pictures with line art may have more success, but that might just be my imagination.

Also, I kinda get the feeling that the judges get to know you, and if you are too good they expect more from you. I mean, I have seen some sub-par art get in, something I feel like they would not accept from me. But take heart, and keep trying!

I might suggest making pictures that can get in for multiple occasions, like grey or tyrannian pets, or pets with faeries like Jhudora or Illusen. Also, season-themed art seems to be effective (lots of snow pictures this winter).


I know you will get in eventually, just keep trying!

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They say that if it looks like it took a lot of effort they will definitely consider it. I guess that's why I did put so much time into it =/. I tried to put less time into my ogrin day picture since I missed ogrin day. I thought I'd finish it anyways for practice and spend less time but I still ended up getting really picky with it ><


Anyways, I tried sticking a texture over it the way you mentioned. I've never used a texture before but I really like the effect so thanks a lot =D! I posted it up in my thread if you wanna check it out ^.^;


By the way what kind of texture did you use on your holiday shoyru/aisha one and the biscuit/chocolate usuls?

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Wow, let's see if I can remember my textures XD


I think this is what I used for the christmas one (it's paper)

For the usuls, this is the background, and this is on the usuls. Both are some kind of fuzzy fabric



Some new art (I'll get around to requests soon, I hope :P )


Drew this last year, just added a background. I was considering applying for an UC faerie grarrl, so I drew some pics. Never submitted an app, though



Some art for New Year's :D Couldn't think of anything original, so I drew the Lennies in the calender box on the pet central page



Do you think they will still accept TK art even though it's over? I hope so.

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Gahh I love your art so so much :* I especially like the Lennies together, that's a really great idea for a New years picture, I doubt anyone else would have thought of it. I hope ALL of your stuff gets in to the AG, and I'm sure it will ^_^

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I don't know if TNT ever will accept Treasure Keepers artwork, but all three new pieces look marvelous!

I never seen a Faerie Grarrl look as majestic like the one in your first picture. For the TK piece, I never seen a Slorg as king-sized like that, awesome job by the way. :yes:

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:woot: OMG you're art is so awesome! I actually got teary at the awesomeness of your art but that might just be because I am a bit over emotional at the moment :shiftyeyes_anim: I absolutely love Aitvara'a art, the peppermint candy cane one and the treasure keeper ones. I definitely think that last treasure keeper one with the slorg could get in for Slorg day but that's a while until Nov 3rd again.

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Oop! I meant to tell you my ref has kinda changed, here's the new one ^_^



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Wow! All of your art work is gorgeous! I particularly love the first Jubjub picture. (Jubjubs are one of my favorite species.)

JUB JUBS!?!?! EWWW!! It was a good picture though. Nice Job. I thought I didn't like Grarlls!
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Sorry to everyone who is waiting on requests! I feel kind of bad whenever I draw something else instead, but I just need to do some relaxation art ^_^;



Anyway, here's some art I drew for Sloth Appreciation Day:


It actually just got in, which is good because yay I got accepted, but bad because I have literally 30 other pictures that might have gotten in and now I have to draw more Sloth art (actually maybe that's not bad XD )


So then I drew this:


I thought it would be cute for Jhudora to have a crush on Sloth and... now I ship it?!?!



Ha ha ha, my new OTP XD

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All your pictures are amazing!! Congrats on getting in to the AG again, the Usuki one is genius :laughingsmiley:

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How do you draw so much?? And for one event! I always end up drawing stuff last minute. I've been submitting stuff and getting in the next day so I guess it's not too late to submit a day before. The sloth and jhudora ones are cute and I love your facial expressions. I think my art is terribly lacking in that point =(.

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Ha ha, no they're not all for one event! Sorry for being unclear. Mostly they're just accumulated entries from the past... Pictures of my pets, requests, and art that didn't get in for past theme days.

Some are even from a couple years ago when I was playing.


Here's a sample of what's in my folder:




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