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Do you dream about Neopets?

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So have you been on Neo so much that you dream about it? I dreamt last night I was clearing out my SDB for some reason, and I found I had not 8 but 9 of the Forgotten Shore Map Pieces, but for some reason I never got round to going to the place to complete it. Then today I got a map piece, and put oit on my SDB so that I wouldn't lose it, but as I was dreading, it was one I already had. So I put it in my shop, like the others I already had. I don't want to buy the last piece, I want to wait till I get it.



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Do I dream about Neopets? I do actually.

I had dreams of saving up for a Snowbunny and a Mootix for my Grey Jetsam, and turning Nifuel into the ultimate avatar-lending pet. Other than that, I had dreams of checking out the Chocolate Factory over at the Neopian Bazaar in real life.

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There's already been a topic like this before, but it's probably too old to respond to that one anymore.


But yes, even I've dreamt of Neopets. My Korbat Terraluna actually came from a dream where I had a Faerie Korbat. So now Terra is the Korbat from my dream, basically.


Most of my Neo dreams involve actually being there as if it were real though. XD Like the dream where I was Fyora's assistant.

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I've only ever had one Neopets dream as far as I can remember.


I dreamed that they had released a mutant Nimmo. It had tan/yellow skin that was corded like muscles all over, and three misshapen eyes on its face. Its hands were huge and club-like and its legs were thin and shriveled. I think it was kind of neat :)

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I once dreamt |I got a random event that was also a quest and I had to go to a place like Jelly World called "Spiceland" (Don't ask why, this world really doesn't exist) and get some sort of jelly from there and then go to the Space Station. BUT IT WAS GONE!!! And then I was with a lot of people, and we looked out the window, and the Space Station came back.

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Well today I got anohther map piece, and it looked like one I hadn't seen before, so I put ot on my SDB and looked there like I normally do, and just when things were looking good... I found I had it already! So much for dreams coming true...

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