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So I am against physical bullying and such.


But my friend was with me and was posting "Miley Cyrus is a hoe." "Justin is gay." that sort of thing. When someone got upset and said that that was also bullying. And that when someoen becomes famous that doesn't make it okay to bash them.


It made me ask.. does everyone think it's okay to bully people after a certain line? Once someone becomes famous, they're fair game to completely bash? Even being against bullying, you're allowed to harass someone just because he's famous?


While I am not a fan or Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black or Miley Cyrus (goes for any famous person, I just picked the main targeted ones) I do not go out of my way to insult them.


Just because I do not like or agree with their music or perhaps things they do, who am I to judge? I'm not there in their lives. I'm not watching their every move.


I actually gained a lot of respect for Justin Bieber with a lot of causes he's helped out with.


I may not like the music but do I know them as people? No. Is it fair for me to call Justin Bieber gay simply because I hate his music? No. Is it fair for me to call Miley a hoe for doing what most teenage girls do? No. Is it far for me to tell Rebecca Black she should go die because I find her song, Friday, annoying? No. Lastly, is it fair for me to judge these people based on magazines which only show what society wants to see? You should know that answer.


I don't understand why people do it. And I have often called people out on it.




I work with Anti Bullying Campaigns and go school to school. I even help give children support.


Any time that someone even says Justin Bieber's gay, it gets on my nerves. On the note of that, I did listen to some of Miley's songs that aren't famous hits and actually found I liked them. I showed them to my friend who really hates the girl and complains about every song that she hears her sing and says how much she sucks. I didn't tell her they were Miley Cyrus and she wanted them downloaded for her.


I would never listen to his music, I gave it a shot. It does bother me but I don't throw insults every time I hear of the boy. Also, calling him gay is offensive for a few reasons. Firstly being, we don't know whether he is gay or not and are just making assumptions. Secondly, calling him gay is being used in a way that it is an insult.


Don't judge people you don't know. Did you know Justin Bieber helped with awareness for texting and driving? He donated and signed the pledge.


I don't like Rebecca's song, Friday. But listening to her song, My Moment, it wasn't bad. Even if you hate her music, is it fair to tell a 14 year old girl to go die?



I have rambled a lot so to answer your question, I would say it's never okay to bully someone.

And that I have zero tolerance for it.


I am against bullying of any sort. There's only one celebrity I bash but I'm not gonna tell. It's not fair to anybody to be cruel in person or better yet behind a computor to another person.


I admit, celebs annoy me simply because a lot of them make thousands of dollars for doing nothing.


While I can't even find a job. My dad works 50 hours a week, doesn't get paid overtime cause he's on salary and my parents are barely making it. Most of society is struggling, yet people on the Jersey Shore are getting paid $30,000 an episode. Not to mention getting paid to make appearances.


That frustrates me, but I would never bash anyone.


I voice my frustrations about all the drinking the cast on JS does, but I never insult them as people.


I voice my frustrations at things people do I never hate on the person. Cause I feel if I don't know them in person, or as a person, what gives me the right to judge?




In cases like Rebecca Black, on her youtube channel many users are telling her to "go die." "you're ugly and fat." *She's not fat by the way* "you're pathetic." To me, that is not bashing but bullying. And harassing on her channel.


I really like the people that stand up for her. Just because you hate her music doesn't mean she deserves to go die.


I really don't like this. First off the term "gay" is beyond overused in modern society. People seem to give "gay" less weight and take it very lightly, so much so that it has lost it's meaning. Does it make it right to call someone that? No. Like April, I can't stand "Friday", but I don't rant Rebbecca Black over it. If someone is really that pathetic that they have to harass something to raise their self-esteem, then hate on the song, not the singer. I can't Justin Bieber's music, doesn't mean I can make fun of him. So in short my answer is no, celebrities are still human, still have feelings, and deserve to be respected like anyone else.


I really don't like this. First off the term "gay" is beyond overused in modern society. People seem to give "gay" less weight and take it very lightly, so much so that it has lost it's meaning. Does it make it right to call someone that? No. Like April, I can't stand "Friday", but I don't rant Rebbecca Black over it. If someone is really that pathetic that they have to harass something to raise their self-esteem, then hate on the song, not the singer. I can't Justin Bieber's music, doesn't mean I can make fun of him. So in short my answer is no, celebrities are still human, still have feelings, and deserve to be respected like anyone else.


Exactly what I said in a short version.


I apologize to everyone for my long rant. I tend to rant lots about things I feel strongly about. xD


What on earth are you guys talking out? I LOVE Friday!


I'm only half-kidding. That song is hilarious, and it's obviously terrible, but I love it anyway.


I think it's perfectly fair to bash celebrities. They are getting praise, money, the lot--and they need to take the good with the bad. However, I would never even consider saying anything against a celebrity that's not a fact. For instance, Charlie Sheen is a cokehead. And Lindsay Lohan is as well. I tend not to waste my time thinking about these celebrities, but it's not bullying to address that they have problems. Jersey Shore? I've never watched it. All I know is what the people look like (and fake orange tans are enough for me to say something...) and that Snooki didn't know who J.K. Rowling and Maya Angelou are. That is enough evidence for me to bash them somewhat.


I think it is fair to address when someone has a problem. I think it is fair to judge their acting, their singing...whatever they are famous for. There is nothing wrong with saying that Rebecca Black is a terrible singer, since she got famous for singing and many believe she shouldn't be. There is definitely something wrong with death threats.


So, to recap: Tell the truth, and don't threaten people. Slander and threats are still illegal.


I agree Karina, I do sometimes say stuff that is true about celebs.


But for example: I wouldn't call Justin Bieber gay, because even if that is true it is meant to be taken as an insult.


Talking about Rebecca's singing is different to me. If you want to insult it, fine.


But people just bash her for fun, calling her fat, ugly, unworthy of life. They forget she is a 14 year old girl with feelings. :/ Being famous does not mean that the little things don't bother her. She said in an interview for the first few weeks she cried in her room.


Here's my stance with bullying CELEBS, since you guys seem to be talking only about that.


If a kid who can't sing does, would you bash him? Would you go "OMGZ you sound like a DYING COW, lemme help you raise a hate clungb and HATE ON YOU lolzxc." No, you wouldn't. Bullies would, but here's the thing - I don't like, or agree with bullies. And therefore I don't like, or agree with these people.


Now zooming in to people who get picked on.


Justin Bieber


"Dude, he totally has a vag."

"He's GAY."


And why? Because he sings - but he's young. Oh, come on. Do these people realize what they're doing? They're bashing someone - for having talent at a young age. Yea, T A L E N T. I think he can sing, and he has good songs - repetitive and annoying as they can be, (baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby OHHHHHH like baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby NOOOOOOO) people still listen to them. And think about it - people who hate on him, go out of their way to memorize his songs, to learn more about him, so they can throw it back at him and go HA HA YOU SUCK. Why do you bother? Why then, do you even not like him? "I hate his songs." Understandable. "I hate his face." Yea, I understand, you don't like his looks. "I hate his voice." True, but no one asked you to listen to him, his voice, his songs, or stare at his face, did you? I understand if you're annoyed with him, but HATE him? Do you know him? All you know is that he's a "girl", because he sings like one. Like every other kid who hasn't got his voice broken. But guess what? He still made it big. He's still loved. Stop hating on him - unless you have a valid reason to want so bad to take a young boy's world, mangle it, crush it up, stomp on it, throw it into the fire and then jump on the ashes for good measure. Which I doubt you do.


Although, I really think he could keep his hands - and lips - off Gomez property for a bit.


Rebecca Black

She was so nasal in Friday, and her lyrics made no sense (actually, they did. ahahah), and autotune and EWWWW gay friends and weird dancing. But honestly, doesn't this ring a bell? Ke$ha, who's drunk and covered in glitter half the time. Autotuned too, and no one really goes out of their way to hate on her. Lots of lyrics makes no sense. Besides (please don't throw me into a bucket, Simon Cowell is on my side.) I actually like her. She can sing - just not friday. She sounded terrible in Friday, and in the acoustic friday, but she sang like a line from the National Anthem, and it sounded good. My moment was nice, too., if still on auto tune. And the lyrics made a lot more sense than, and had a lot more meaning than "Ah ah oh ah ah, roma ro mama, Gaga oh lala, want your bad romance."


I'm not saying you can't insult them. Sure you can! You can point out their bad points - like you can do to your friends - then hate on them - like you do to your friends - but you can't take something like the fact that Justin's young, and then pull it out, stretch it, and torture it, to the point that you say he's gay. That's not fair. I assume then, that every little boy here under the age of whenever their voice breaks is a gay, retarded, high-pitched person who's voice is out to ruin everyone's life? And that every 14 year old girl with a dream and WAY to much autotune who puts out a song, should have her song listened to over and over and OVER. Just so people can memorize the lyrics then make fun of her. Yeah, she sounded terrible. So do I! If I put out a video with too much autotune, I doubt anyone would give it two hoots. It's just that our world is too ready to be bored, then yank out someone, and crush them, then laugh at them.


Bashing for fun isn't nice. Just like people who bully for fun - what do you say of them?


Also, I'm not very "into" the bieber news and all, but I do know that there were many people who told Rebecca that she "Should be anorexic, then maybe she would look the slightest bit pretty and not like ." Please. Guys. She's NORMAL. Does being skinny make you pretty? NO.


Bullying: Where do you draw the line?

Once it starts being bullying.


I don't think it could be considered "bullying" if it's an A-lister, since they will never know and probably wouldn't care if they did. However, it's immature and obnoxious to say things like that about anyway--criticisms that are offensive and don't make any sense like, "LOL HEZ A GURL," or "WAT A HO." On the other hand, I have quite a bit to say about the cast of Jersey Shore and the Kardashians (haha that spell checks to guardianship), but it's constructive and I have valid reasons for disliking them.


I'm not just referring to celebs. I do run campaigns for all types of bullying. I was just explaining where the line was for me.


Saying you hate a song? Fine.


Bashing a celeb because you hate their song? Not fine to me.


Wow, I really can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually starting to respect Rebecca Black. I watched her "Friday" music video(I didn't listen to the song) but it's really saddening that people are bullying her because of her physical appearance. She looks like an ordinary girl. I don't know what people expect of anyone these days!


I've been bullied to a degree about certain things and every time I've ended up feeling like nothing and I wasn't good enough. Even those of us with the highest of self esteem can get crushed with just the right buttons pushed.


In eight grade, I was bullied by someone who even though they were nasty and cruel to me, they still claimed to be my friend. I remember when I started sitting at the guys table and this person asked "so why are you sitting with the guys?" and I told them why and they said "What do you guys even talk about?" so I told them video games. This person started laughing and and said that everyone was gonna start thinking I was a "tramp".


I do respect Rebecca Black a bit. Despite the death threats, insults and everything she still came back with another song, My Moment, and stood her ground.


that took guts.



And I can't stand how teacher's usually only react in physical bullying. Emotional can hurt just as much and if not more.


I remember when I started sitting at the guys table and this person asked "so why are you sitting with the guys?" and I told them why and they said "What do you guys even talk about?" so I told them video games. This person started laughing and and said that everyone was gonna start thinking I was a "tramp".


And they SHOULD think you're a tramp. Video games are SUCH a provocative activity! Does your mother know that you've been handling controllers? Tsk tsk!


...I just need to say, when I read that I started laughing. I mean, video games are one step away from Dungeons and Dragons. They're not exactly...you know...tramp activities. I'm not laughing at the fact that you got bullied; I'm laughing derisively at that person's idiocy.


I hate a lot of today's music, but then a rock music lover like me would. I used to say that people who liked today's music were "sad", but now I realise that's a bit too mean. I just don't like the attitudes of most people at my school.


I am zero tolerant of bullying and always use the yardstick of treating as I or my kids would like to be treated and unless we are sure of our facts don't comment on others lives or preferences...


Loads of people on TV make fun of famous people, but if those people are aware and don't mind, that's fine. But if people make fun of them withhout letting them know, they could get on trouble.


Bullying is bullying, whether it is a famous person or not, after all they're people too right. Just because they are celebrities does not mean that they aren't affected by people's harsh criticism. Even the most confident of people can be hurt by words, even if they don't show it.


Bullying is bullying, whether it is a famous person or not, after all they're people too right. Just because they are celebrities does not mean that they aren't affected by people's harsh criticism. Even the most confident of people can be hurt by words, even if they don't show it.


I couldn't agree more. People say just because they're famous and rich it shouldn't bother them.


I've seen some pretty nasty pictures made. Lots of them about how they should die.


So because you don't like their music, they deserve to die? It's sad.


Well, honestly celebrities do get bashed quite often, and i don't think it is necessary right or wrong. Some will say that they are paid lots, and it is fine, while others will say it's not fine to bash them. There is a point between bashing them and just criticizing them.


However, bullying is not nice at all. I don't think you should bash any celebrities at all (but they do get bashed). I do agree that some celebrities do not even pay attention to the tabloids out there, and good for them, while others listen to those. Some of them just simply ignore it, however there are a few that cannot simply read it and take it in. That is where the line comes out, but the line is simply too "grey".



Demi Lovato was bullied to drop out of school, develop a eating disorder, (called fat), and self medicate (cutting herself). Yet, calling some other celebrities fat, ugly, and they won't respond.

Selena Gomez receives death threats from Justin Bieber die hard fans, yet she does not hide from every bieber fan out there.

Ashley Greene has been "bashed" for months from Lovatics (including myself, on a lesser note, which i do feel somewhat bad after learning the full story) and yet she doesn't say anything. She just ignores it, and doesn't pay attention to the tabloids. Usually it's the "media" who fuel the flame.


Selena Gomez receives death threats from Justin Bieber die hard fans, yet she does not hide from every bieber fan out there.

Ashley Greene has been "bashed" for months from Lovatics (including myself, on a lesser note, which i do feel somewhat bad after learning the full story) and yet she doesn't say anything. She just ignores it, and doesn't pay attention to the tabloids. Usually it's the "media" who fuel the flame.

These two examples are things I've never understood - I mean do the die hard Bieber fans think that if he split up with Selena Gomez, they'd really be in with a chance?

And as for people insulting someone for falling out with a celebrity they like or for being rude about the celebrity in question, that's just silly. You don't know either of the people involved personally or know the whole story behind it so don't get involved and start insulting them. In many of these cases, the fans of one side are taking things way too seriously and the person themselves doesn't even care so the fans are getting worked up for nothing. I really don't understand rabid fans.


I've always thought it's unfair to make personal or insulting comments about people's looks/personality just because you don't like their music. Just because their music is [removed], it doesn't mean that it's fair game to call them ugly or fat or something, it's unfair.


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I've never understood why people felt like it was okay to be hurtful towards others...and I'll never understand because it doesn't make sense. It's never funny, entertaining, or self-building to put others down, frankly it's just unbecoming. That being said, celebrities are human too. Even if you aren't a fan it's not like you absolutely have to go around and say awful things about them. There's a difference between being outright awful and criticizing. Some things are just better left unsaid. You don't know these people. You may read about them or see them on tabloids but you stand no ground to speak in such a manner. Especially when you don't truthfully know what kind of people they are. Just because they're famous doesn't magically make them prone to emotions.


And they SHOULD think you're a tramp. Video games are SUCH a provocative activity! Does your mother know that you've been handling controllers? Tsk tsk!


...I just need to say, when I read that I started laughing. I mean, video games are one step away from Dungeons and Dragons. They're not exactly...you know...tramp activities. I'm not laughing at the fact that you got bullied; I'm laughing derisively at that person's idiocy.

What the heck is WRONG with Dungeons and Dragons?? I play all the time.

  • 2 weeks later...
What the heck is WRONG with Dungeons and Dragons?? I play all the time.


I don't think she was bashing D&D. She was just saying that playing D&D is hardly a "provocative" activity. She's just calling it tame.

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