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Miss Katzena

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I'm taking what SEAP said about the feet, but I really adore the colouring effects used on this MS Paint artwork. I'm not a master of MS Paint myself, but here's a little something that I whipped up last month using MS Paint right here.


I never seen a Magma-coloured pet on Paint before, this a nice sight for me to behold. 9 out of 10 for detail. :yes:

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Im not exactly sure, since I kept on having breaks in between. Porbably an hour or something like that. I couldn't quite get the feet right. The old picture that doesn't look so good is here.

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Im not exactly sure, since I kept on having breaks in between. Probably an hour or something like that. I couldn't quite get the feet right. The old picture that doesn't look so good is here.


...as long as her hair and eyes came out good, then it's a fine first attempt in my book if I say so myself. ;)

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I'm glad you all like it, I made it more detailed. I had a picture of her to see the details on. Oh, and I have a bit of a plan for it...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, AWESOME job with paint!

Nice detail on the magma :D



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