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Last Thing You Ate

Naamah D.

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for a student yes, coffee/caffienated anything = major food group (as does whatever's left in the cafe)


the way i look at it,


coffee = fruit (since its a bean)

sugar = vegetable (since its from a plant)

milk/creamer = dairy (got to have calcium!)


so there is the food pyramid :D (totally ignores the top part of the pyramid with the sweets.. and lollies.. and fats..)


LOL! That made my day xD

And speaking of coffee, I think I need a refill :P

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The last thing I ate was a chocolate from my advent calender. It was a window :S

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sadly i ate anything left in the fridge for dinner


so that included:

- a sausage roll

- leftover steak

- microwaved potato

- tuna

- christmas pudding :P (with icecream)


urgh, and going to a chocolate cafe on sunday, getting fatter.. its definitely the holidays!!

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I just finished eating a small serving of crème brûlée ice cream. I needed something to soothe my sore throat.

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Last thing I ate was a DiGiorno's Supreme Pizza, I never minded the olives, though it's not one of my favourite pizza toppings.

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Last food I ate were fried macaroni, savory pancake with cheese, mayonnaise, sausage and carrots (it supposed to be okonomiyaki, but epic fail xP)

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today a healthier burger (one of those gourmet whatsits) chips with relish (yum!) and a lime icream :)


then i bought a bunch of chocolate and went to a party where i did nothing but drink lemon, lime and bitters the whole night.. (and watched everyone else get very sloshed. *dislike*)

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Chocolate chip pancakes. I'm surprised they turned out okay, since I had to use a gas stove (which I never use) and I miixed two radically different types of pancake mix to ensure there was enough.




Then my friend's dogs came bolting through the kitchen as I was flipping a pancake, a mess was made, and I had to call it quits. :P

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Me and my bf made gluten free Spaghetti Bolognaise ^_^ It's actually much nicer than the normal stuff :P

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Last thing I ate was...turkey, last night for dinner.


Been writing a paper so I've been forgetting to get food ^^;

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