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someone switches the sun off for one moment and the ant lands safely


then its switched back on


that's ok because the Ant has an internal combustion system


...... which eventually incinerates it

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The dragon vomits it out and the ant is safe.


The ant falls into a volcano and disintegrates in the lava as it erupts.


Dragon's vomit was a protective layer for the ant ..... like a body suit and nothing happens to the ant


.......... but then it dissolves ..................... and the ant erupts into flames


But it didn't go into them.


The ant is then nuked 5 times, grinded down with sandpaper, a sander, chainsaw, and then a car going over it multiple times. Then the ant reconstructed with metal, but then melted by an evil warlord and used the ant metal to make a gun. The gun though unfortunately then given to the winning side, and then melted down again in the next war. The gun is used for a tank, which is then destroyed by an explosion. The tank is then destroyed by mini robots and the robots are then sent into the sand where it goes down to the bottom of the Earth where it is melted by the Earths crust. The Earth then is sent out of orbit due to nuclear fallout. The Earth is sent into the sun where the sun then turns into a black hole and devours the entire solar system. The end. Done. Goodbye.


The ant dodges it.


The ant falls in a pool of ant spray with no tube or anything around it for miles and dies.


The ant cloned himself and warped to Barack Obama



The Earth is Exploding,the Ant is hitten by some Meteorites,His body was Nuked,The World Explodes,The Nyan Cats are Surviving,The ants Body is Destroyed.



  • 2 weeks later...

The hobo is allergic to poptarts and dies


the poptart ant crawls out of the dead hobo's mouth


.............. a steamroller runs over the ant and flattens it to death


But the ant re-inflates...


The ant is then nuked 5 times, grinded down with sandpaper, a sander, chainsaw, and then a car going over it multiple times. Then the ant reconstructed with metal, but then melted by an evil warlord and used the ant metal to make a gun. The gun though unfortunately then given to the winning side, and then melted down again in the next war. The gun is used for a tank, which is then destroyed by an explosion. The tank is then destroyed by mini robots and the robots are then sent into the sand where it goes down to the bottom of the Earth where it is melted by the Earths crust. The Earth then is sent out of orbit due to nuclear fallout. The Earth is sent into the sun where the sun then turns into a black hole and devours the entire solar system. The end. Done. Goodbye.


Magic happens and everything is back to normal. But it drowns in the sea with nothing but air and water near it under sand.

  • 2 weeks later...

The ant quickly adapts and grows ant-gills and becomes a new species "the antfish"


It gets hunted by fishermen who dissect it and mummify it and pin it to a board in the museum for all to see the new discovery

  • 2 weeks later...

he grabbed the knife but it slipped from its slimy antfish hand and separated his head from his body

  • 2 weeks later...

During the body separation he cut his fins instead and became a normal ant, going up to the land safely discovering a new colony


But then it became a drone and was the mate of the queen. which is the cause of is death >:-)


but the ant decides to fight back and kills the Queen and becomes the new Queen


then a huge herd of moles invades the colony and kills all the ants


but ants secrete special poison so the moles were dead


But the ants found a land mine and the whole colony exploded


the mine was a dud.


the ant falls in 999 feet of quick drying cement and dies when it dries.

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