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And THIS isn't suspicious WHY?


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Shouldn't this set off a bell or two for TNT that someone may be using multiple accounts to win NP? Sure, they can freeze and silence people for almost no reason, but something this obvious is unchecked. Nice.


I checked all the profiles. They were all created today. *annoyed*

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Oh, that person will certainly be frozen by the end of the week. I'm sure you're not the only one reporting them. They WILL get frozen.


EDIT: I just reported them. It may take TNT a few days to make it to the report, but don't worry. It will happen.

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Ugh. I know what you mean. Sure they'll probably freeze something as obvious as that sooner or later, but the amount of cheating that goes unnoticed (or maybe they just don't care?) really bums me out.


I mean, some of the highscores are impossible. Like how some of the games actually have a maximum number of points you can actually score, and then there are people who are above that?


There was a guy with a list on the neoboards at some point who kept a list of such things, but I can't remember his username...


The frustrating thing is the most we can do is report it, and even at that, it takes so long before anything is even done about it.

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It's funny how paranoid I am about just logging on from other computers when people do obvious stuff like this. What's the point of cheating the game like that? It's not even fun to play if you do that.


Similarly, I wonder how many people play games from their side accounts without getting caught. I would imagine it'd be a lot less obvious, but I don't know much about how they catch that.

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well.. i suppose TNT will freeze them, but come on guys, why does somebody do this???

i mean, it makes the game soo stupid :-(

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Some people I guess are just really desperate for neopoints. That's my theory.


They know they are going to get caught. Unless they send the neopets over to one main, (Which TNT would see after awhile) but other than that. I think they are just doing this for fun. To be rude. I know a lot of people like that.

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haha woww i guess it would be pretty interesting to see how quickly your account would get banned if you do something like that xD because yeah, i seriously doubt anyone would be that dumb to get those highscores like that. I agree how its so annoying when you're trying to get a highscore and theres just all those insane scores! =S i give the person props for having the guts to do that though

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Ugh, cheaters annoy me, what happened to NEOFRIENDS? Does any feel like it's al NEOPOINTS now!? :sad01_anim:


I feel that way from time-to-time. I feel like communication between players is limited in two ways: the filter, and the topics you can talk about. On the other hand, Neopoints are what people need to buy whatever items they want. So of course people will do everything they can to get the most Neopoints.


TNT really needs to do something that opens communication between players.

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