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Free Corridor of Chance Key in the NC Mall!


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thanks for the notice!


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I'm sure this has been asked before with other NC stuff and sorry for asking again but are you allowed to collect this on your side accounts as well?

Yes, you are allowed to collect free NC items on your side account(s) as long as the prizes are strictly NC.

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I tried it on a side and had something weird happen. I placed a mask on my pet and received a wig. My husband tried on his account, placing a mask on his pet (A different mask than I used), and he also got a wig.


My question is, is this because both wigs and masks have the same zone? If so, is there a way around it?

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Spritzie, I looked at a guide for this and I'm pretty sure it mentioned that the masks were zoned under hats. Lemme go find the link...


Edit: http://www.neopets.com/~Paddeighe specifically states that masks are zoned under hats, however this is the only guide anywhere that says so, so not sure how certifiable it is.

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Didn't know about that! Well, I claimed mine and got...a Side Ponytail Purple Wig. I was kinda hoping for white but purple works just fine. (one of my Neo OCs has white hair so that's why I had my hopes for that one.)


Spritzie, I looked at a guide for this and I'm pretty sure it mentioned that the masks were zoned under hats. Lemme go find the link...


Edit: http://www.neopets.com/~Paddeighe specifically states that masks are zoned under hats, however this is the only guide anywhere that says so, so not sure how certifiable it is.


No, masks are zoned in Glasses. This I know because my Acara always wears a mask and is able to wear a wig at the same time, not only that, but because contacts are also listed as Glasses, a pet can't wear a mask AND contacts at the same time.

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AAAAAAAAH I MISSED IT! :guiltysmiley: (too late)



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