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So I came back from a relatively fun day celebrating my friends birthday. I was a little annoyed because as always my friend invites people over for a party and I have to clean up (we both live with my parents). I go to collect my gems in my habi and then it says you must be logged in to do that. So now i am worried about getting locked out of my habi. Great day. So I go to log in and it says my password is invalid. After three tries of this I get annoyed and say send it to my email. So it sends it (I just recently had all my accounts put on one email. But my main isn't in the list. Awesome. So I have been hacked/cged/bad things happen to me. So i sent in my ticket but they won't get to it until tomorrow sometime... So awesome. I don't know what they have done to the account other remove all my friend. My guess is to make it harder for me to get my account back. Cool. I am happy that there are amazing people out there... You deserve a high five for your ability to work hard and earn something yourself...


Okay so as you can tell I am a little frustrated right now. How long does it take to get an account frozen? And if i sent in a bunch of information about my account about how long will it take to get it back? Plus is there some way for me to freeze my account now so it won't lose any items or anything? I am sorry for the stupid questions. I have been here for awhile and I know these boards get made all the time. But i guess you don't fully pay attention to them until it happens to you.


EDIT: Oh and more fun news. I am currently in possession of a TDN pet. I am so sorry guys. I hope to figure this out shortly. None of the pets have moved yet. I am hoping they are just after the neopoints and items.

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I'm really sorry about that .. I can't visit your account because I'm afraid it might be CG'ed now , but I did yesterday (I neomailed you) and everything on it was normal ...


If you sent in your ticket from a side with enough info , they shouldn't take long to get to it and contact you regarding freezing your account then unfreezing it after getting it back from compromise ...


Really I hope you will get it back .. such bad luck :(

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Maybe it's just that horrid glitch that was going around, that was refusing to let people log in / saying their account didn't exist!?


oh yes , I got this one last week while logging in from my cousin's computer but when I tried on mine , I was logged in normally ...


Try sending in another ticket from one of your sides ??

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ouch. If you did get cged, all I can do is recommend that you get addons to prevent that from happening. these 2 in particular: request policy, and noscript.

Oh, and this could be problematic if you did lose your account to a cger. If someone figured out how to put a cg in a shop, gallery, userlookup, petpages, they could embed their code onto the accounts they gained access too, thus making your account another way to continue spreading the cg. Also, be wary, they unscrupulous user may self-freeze the account after they are done or do illegal things to destroy the account. Viewing your compromised account's userlookup, shop, etc might not be so safe, but hopefully you can figure out what is going on.


According to the help pages:

"If we determine your account was indeed scammed by no fault of your own (do not log into fake 'Neopets' pages), you will gain access to your account again and will find your Neocash items there. Please click the "Request Support" tab above and create a ticket to report your scammed account. Thank you."


I dont think this is too helpful, as it scored a 2/5 useful rating. But it might help

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Me and my boyfriend both play neopets. And yesterday he couldn't logg in. We thought that he has logg in problems like a lot of people got. And I checked his profile from my account and one of his pets was gone, replaced with another. Today his another pet has new owner. I don't know what was going on this weekend but I think that a lot of accounts was hacked (I checked neopets boards). I'm so angry right now!

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Oh dear :(


Well if I remember my experience, it happened to me on a Friday when I was CG'd and TNT froze my account hours later when I sent my ticket. They froze my account for exactly a week so I would say around that time.


Just give all the information and TNT will freeze the account for you. Still change the password, PIN, and more and then logout, relogin, and wait for TNT to respond ASAP!


I'm really sorry you would have to experience such a horrible event :( I really hope TNT will help you right away so you can get back on track.

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Ow, that's not cool:(

But like the others said, just send all info you've got, download addons, and all you can do is wait...

Ps: you could try to see your look-up with all cookies removed and logged out, no cookies to be grabbed, and you can see what happened to you pets


I hope you'll get you account back with everything on it:)

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The sad thing was I did have adblock, but when my computer crashed I forgot to put back on no script... Oh well I guess that is my luck. I sent another ticket that I can actually watch (from a side) now I guess all that is left to do is wait until they at least freeze it then I will be happy.

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I know this has been happening a lot with Habitarium lately, I myself am too spooked to stay in Habi longer than a few minutes for fear of this happening, TNT had better do something about this and fast. I'm still scared my account might be hacked without my knowing it. Hopefully this is just a glitch, but if not.....Fyora help us.

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Still no response from neo. Is there any way to have them speed up the process. It has been like 5 days now. I just want it to be frozen before the weekend. Is there any way that i can freeze it or should i just try again? I already have two tickets open but neither of them have been sent during business hours.

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Keep an eye on your account for any thing you didn't do, ie weird pets on your account etc, saying you have logged in in the past few days when you clearly have not. I suggest self freezing because it immediately stops the hacker from doing anything to your account until you can get a ticket across. To get it unfrozen though is another story- providing them with info about your account etc etc so make sure you read about it in the neopets help section (yes they do offer self freezing as an option for those intending to take a long leave from the game).


But this is a last resort type deal. It is a hassle to do anything with neopets so if your account isn't compromised, give neopets customer service a call first.

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Send an account compromised ticket (instead of a "can't log in" ticket). I think they look at those quicker than the others since time is of the essence. Keep track of who has/had your pet and start gathering information about any NC purchases and anything to identify your account.


Habitarium is not involved in this case, but I might as well explain this one too. Habitarium was used to exploit item generating. Long story short, someone found out you can generate items from Habitarium by making the game send the item code and viola it gets generated. News got out, neopets found out, froze everyone who purchased items that were generated, froze everyone who participated in generating and so on.


It was also used to gain neopoints very quickly by cycling the habitarium very quickly from 1-100 (level 100 exists although it is unreleased). After each level gained, the player would earned a certain amount of neopoints so eventually you'd be rich. Those people got banned too, and people who's items were purchased via these neopoints.

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It's strange that TNT haven't disabled your account. Like I said before my friends account was hacked this sunday. He sent abuse form to TNT and his account was dissabled in Monday. And this Thuesday he sent a ticket and it was already read. OK, but he still didn't get any reply but I think that is going well and "fast" :D

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How do you know they've changed all your neofriends and the e-mail associated with the account?


Also, what day is the "last logged in" day on your account?

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They delited neopets on my friends account. I checked and saw that he's not on my list anymore and then I asked people in guild (we are in same one) if they can see him and they all noticed that he delited them. But it was funny because he didn't leave the guild (whoever took account)! Strange...

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