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You know how when you try to feed your Neopet a certain food and they refuse to eat it when it has a certain number of characters? I tried using black lipstick on my Usul, Asikai, and she didn't like it. Does this go for all items?


Yes it does. I found the same applies to toys even and probably instruments too. I know many people know it involves the same amount of letters as in their name but it also applies to twice the amount. So my Lupe Illhaze can't eat Chocolate Cake unless the language is changed. The coding for books and grooming is different; but I can't remember the coding for grooming items, only books: Petname(2)+1 or Petname(2+1)+1.


You gave your pet whose name has 6 letters a grooming item, this was 6*2+2. So perhaps it is Petname(2)+2 for one of the codings, we just need to find the other. Maybe it's Petname(2)+1 as well like in books. Or just Petname(2).


It's all done by the number of letters in your pet's name vs. the number of letters in the item's name. Good trick to know: when this happens, change your language preferences and try again. Then change them back when you're done.


I wouldn't bother for grooming items, but for food, petpets, and books, I definitely would.

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