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Tom-boy or girly girl?


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I'm neither. Stereotypes are a load of crap if you ask me. I've been stereotyped my entire exsistance on this planet and have grown to hate them.


And yes, I play fighting games.


EDIT: And when you get me and my friend Sean together, I might as well be a guy lol.

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I wouldn't necessarily define myself as definite tom-boy; yes, I enjoy playing the occasional video games, and I don't purposefully dress up to look pretty or wear makeup (I can't walk in heels, that's how un-girly-girl I am), but at the same time, I also wear a Swarovski bracelet and necklace all the time, so it's a bit of both for me.

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I don't think people are generally one or the other. I don't leave the house without makeup and at least earrings, but I usually don't do much to my hair and I wear flats (though I'm 5'8", so that probably has more to do with it). I wear a t-shirt and pants one day, and wear a lacy dress the next. Which does that make me? P:


Yes, I like fighting games.

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Why am i a sterotype? I was just asking... it's just a girls type of personality. Like if they like pink and dresses and all that, they must be a girly-girl. If they would reather wear plaid shirts, or likes worms or something, Must be a tomboy. I'm a tomboy.


My personality is just being a good person. I'm nice to people, as long as your nice to me. I have a saying that isn't appropriate for TDN but I'll try to make it more family oriented.


"You give crap, you get crap back"

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Why am i a sterotype? I was just asking... it's just a girls type of personality. Like if they like pink and dresses and all that, they must be a girly-girl. If they would reather wear plaid shirts, or likes worms or something, Must be a tomboy. I'm a tomboy.

huh. never knew girls couldn't wear dresses and play with worms at the same time.

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I'm a bit of both. I wear dresses and skirts all the time. I wear heels to work (and it's not like my job has me sitting in an office all day, I'm a doctor, so aaalllllwaays running around) my favourite color is pink, I would never even dream of going out without make up on. Aand the same time, I like to hang out with the boys and my hobbies include snowboarding, 4 wheel driving and camping... (and neopets of course) I also have 2 daughters and they're the same. The love pink and playing dress ups and tea parties (they're 5 & 2) but on the other hand, when we go camping, the love nothing more than rolling around in the dirt with our dogs and getting themselves filthy!


I think the girls in my house are well adjusted and like to have the best of both worlds!

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I switch from day to day. Some days I just want to hang around in comfy clothes with no makeup on, eat tons of pizza and watch monster truck derbies :P Other times I'll get all prettied up, taking forever to decide which earrings to wear or how much makeup to put on. I wouldn't want to be just a tom-boy or a girly-girl all the time.. I'm glad we can mix things up depending on how we feel :)

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Tom-boy, with some leanings into the girly-girl spectrum. I hate the colour pink, I mostly wear t-shirts and shorts, and can't stand chick-flicks or chick-lit. However, I do wear a necklace and love the colour purple.

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I think most people are a mix, or at least they think they are.


My girly-girl-ness:

*Love musical theater

*Love skirts--but then again, this is mostly because it's much easier to wear skirts with my disability

*Sing high soprano

*Very giggly

*Love animals and everything cute

*Love working with kids


My tomboy-ish-ness:



*Did I mention I LOVE math competitions?


*Dirty jokes


*Hate fashion with a burning passion

*When I go shopping, I go in with a purpose, find the first thing that suits that purpose, and LEAVE.

*I have two pairs of shoes: my old shoes that are going to be thrown out shortly because they have major holes, and my new shoes to replace them.

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lol for me, lemme show you.



My girly-ness

* I love kawaii stuff

* i love animals with a burning passion

*says AWWWWWWW! SEW ADORBZ! when something is cute,



My tomboy-ish-ness



* did i mention that i ♥ science?

* fullmetal alchemist * shrugs * ( idk &idc if it means imma tomboy or girly girl. i just wanted to point it out that i love it. )



* bugs in general.

* ball pythons

* black racer snakes.

* i admire spiders. ( from a distance. If there is one in mah house or a big one near it, THE FORCAST OF THE DAY WILL BE DEATH FOR DA SPIDER. )

* i like watching Bones.( it's a show on like TNT )

*i drew a picture of edward elric saying something...

yeah, i am like a napkin. All pretty arund the edges, but just plain in da middle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say you're right that we're all a bit of both, I mean, I'm pretty much seen as a girly-girl, I love pink, wear heels and skirts all the time, I almost never leave the house without makeup and some kind of earrings, but I'm also really into what might be considered boy's stuff too. I really dig sci-fi movies and TV shows, and I love action, lots of action. I'm not much of a gamer, but I'm really interested in video games, I'm just no good at them. :(

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I'm such a tomboy that I'm actually a male. Crazy, I know.


And here I was imagining you watching My Little Pony and wearing skirts.


Because that's what I do, and I project myself onto everyone else, I guess.



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I'm not one or the other, and I don't think most women/girls/whatever are one or the other either.


But just for me personally, I'll take the video game store over a fashion show, but I can still run in high heels. Bit of both :)


EDIT: For the record, I don't like fighting games, although that's more that I refuse to play fighting games around my little sister, who I don't think's old enough to be exposed to that.

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Everyone's unique in every way. ;) I have to say I'm both because...


My girly-girl traits:


- Loves all things cute

- Loves Korean Pop!

- Loves purple and pink

- Overly conscious on how I look; except when I'm home

- Runs away when there are insects and lizards (Yucky!)


My tomboy-ish traits:


- Dislikes wearing skirts

- Dislikes having to go shopping for clothes with my mother

- Dislikes putting on make up

- Doesn't wear heels; unless my mother forces me to

- Doesn't mind getting dirty/wet

- Likes fighting games

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I'm a girly-girl but I do play video games, and watch sports, and have mostly guy friends. Lol.

I'm kind of a guys girl. You know?


And fighting games are awesome. But if zombie games are in question, the Call Of Duty Black Ops is the best. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't like girly stuff. I love black, listen to metal, LOVE LOVE LOVE football (soccer-huge fan) and shooting (airsoft).

But I would put on a dress if I had to, but I would and will never wear heels. I feel uncomfortable, because of my height (I'm 5.8) - like they're all staring at me :/


But on the other hand my ''bff'' (hate this frase) is a total girly girl, always pink, adores high heels :)

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I'm neither.

Some days I can be a girly girl.

But then some days I'm a tom boy.

I just go with how I feel that day.


Mostly, I have my own sense of style.

I wear fancy ties, fishnets, leggings and weird earrings.

I'm so cool. :whistle:


I listen to pop, but then I listen to death metal


Although Techno is love. :D

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