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Even though I'm looking foward to school I'm not looking foward to the people I have to deal with. Especially the staff members. Anyone else feel the same way?


For instance, because I'm in an Alt program everybody knows everybody's business. For two days I wore black eyeshadow(not heavy just black)and the next day I wore pink eyeshadow and the social worker said "The staff has noticed that when you wear black makeup your in a bad mood and when you wear pink and purple your in a good mood" so I said "Umm....I don't hold doors or say hi to people when I'm in a bad mood, I was in a good mood." So she just had to say "Well the staf noticed blah blah blah blah....."


So not in the mood to deal with those kind of things.


For me, not quite since I don't go to school and I'm glad I finished my senior project (which was a pain). I have no idea if my job for job training will be a good one or one I don't like, I get really uncertain at that point.


You really don't have a choice, you have to deal with it. Just hold on and good luck. P.S Remember at the end of the day you can rest from all that, after your homework of coursehttp://www.tdnforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laughingsmiley.gif


I feel the same way. I especially don't want to deal with the principals- I've met them, and they seem like they're not going to be any more helpful than the administration at the middle school, which was unspeakably bad. I also met one of my teachers that also doesn't give off a good vibe, has no sense of humour whatsoever and from what I can tell, expects all her students to enjoy reading really boring and near-incomprehensible books.


For now, just keep your chin up and stay positive...that's what I'll try to do :P


I feel the exact same way. I have this one teacher, for example, who likes to treat us like we're legit in an honors class...in university. She uses these ridiculous vocab terms all the time, and then acts surprised when no one knows what she's saying. It's not even like saying "I must utilize the facilites" instead of saying "I need to use the bathroom." She would say something like, "It is necessary that I expend the lav." OMG.


Yeah, I feel you. I don't like my school AT all.

Too many 'rebels' and the school I go to isn't very.. nice...?

I feel unsafe at school, no kidding.

The students there are extremely ignorant and the school staff is ridiculous with their rules.

Thank god this is my senior year of high school, I can't wait to get out.

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