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Hey TNT! You know what, we have Lives!


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Do you think it's fair that those who missed certain days of an event get less prizes than those who come online everyday for the event? The obvious answer is yes, it's fair. What about if the said people only missed one day? Or it was a real life situation that made them miss out? Is it still fair now? And do you think they should be a granted amount of missed days? One, two or more? Discuss :)

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Maybe they're gonna make the avvie available when they make Crewdoku a game. If it was still going on and you missed a day two or you could've done it. :P

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If you do that though, people who try much harder than others might feel a bit slighted that they went on every day and got the same prizes as those who didn't.


I think as long as TNT doesn't do this too regularly it's completely fair. Especially in the summer when a lot of people will be able to come on more often.

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I think it's fair. Those that put more effort into it, to get online every day, or whatever, deserved to be rewarded for it.


Considering the daily requirements didn't take that long at all, I don't think there's very many circumstances where it was absolutely impossible to get on for a few minutes. (Things like vacations and such, you'd most likely miss more than a couple days.)


We don't have internet at home right now, and on my days at work, I'm gone from 7am to 7pm, so my husband had no way to get online to do his, unless we went to a free wireless place after I got home at night. If he'd cared enough, we could have gone somewhere for 30 minutes.


So I think it's a fair reward for the effort put forth.

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My problem was I either waited then forgot or forgot to do it in the KI event's case. I did put effort, I was online that day (3am my time) and did my dailies but I went to sleep after. A day trip then I was tired by the time I got home, so I think the penalty is harsh. With the Negg event, I didn't try hard xD

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Do I think its fair and an incentive to get more stuff, yes. Am I really sad that even though I completed all the stuff (finding the islands I found some a day late) that I didn't get the theme, heck yes! Really, the theme gives me no advantage in the neopets world since its not worth any neopoints so it just makes me sad that I will never be able to get it, I love themes :sad02:

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My problem was I either waited then forgot or forgot to do it in the KI event's case. I did put effort, I was online that day (3am my time) and did my dailies but I went to sleep after. A day trip then I was tired by the time I got home, so I think the penalty is harsh. With the Negg event, I didn't try hard xD



Well, if you forgot, it's not really TNT's fault. There are always necessary requirements for things, and if you don't fulfill them, you don't reap the rewards. Just the way the cookie crumbles.

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I don't think it's unfair because the FAQ mentionned that taking part into the event every day would give you a bonus...


I am assisting with the search for Krawk Island, but I wasn’t able to search all of my available sectors in one day. When I come back, will I still be able to search those sectors?

If you miss a day or cannot complete the search in all of your available sectors, you will still be able to search those sectors on another day. However, we have a feeling that there will come a point at which you will no longer be able to search sectors. So pay attention and come back often. Also, keep in mind that if you complete all of your searches every day, there may be an even more handsome reward awaiting you. That is, if we ever find Krawk Island at all.


Also, if I had a busy life that was preventing me from getting online for a day or two, I would see it as something positive. Electronic devices take so much space in our lives, that it's necessary to disconnect ourselves every now and then.

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I think it is fair too. Yes, there may be reasons why you cannot access neopets one day and you do not end up getting the prize, but that is not really TNT's fault. For the Maraqua plot, years ago, I was grounded and wasn't able to access the internet for a month, and missed the plot. I still kick myself about it because maraqua is my favourite land and I really wanted the side bar. But real world stuff happens, and you just have to deal with the neopet consequences.

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I'm not even sure if I missed a day! I come on everyday but for some reason I had one island left to be retrieved for the crewduku thing. It's confusing and if I was stupid enough to completely miss out well I guess I deserve it... -_-

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People keep talking about being punished. Not being rewarded is not the same as being punished. I am not sure where you got that idea (*mumbles something about the US education system* ha ha, just forget I said that). There are things in life that you will miss out on because of well, life really. You will miss out on parties because you are sick or because you cannot attend two at the same time. You will not be awarded a top grade in your seminar because you overslept once, or missed that one important debate because you had to go to a hospital / funeral.


And it's just a game, really. Not like you invested that much time and effort either because each step of this event should have taken about 10 minutes max. Just let it go :)

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I'm not even sure if I missed a day! I come on everyday but for some reason I had one island left to be retrieved for the crewduku thing. It's confusing and if I was stupid enough to completely miss out well I guess I deserve it... -_-



I'm one of the people who had 11 islands, and I was rewarded with anything. THOUGH if you think you are victim of a glitch, feel free to send a ticket to TNT. They will probably take a while to get back to you...

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THERES AN AVATAR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I went to the governors mansion and got a bunch of prizes and an avatar!


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I think it's completely fair. They told us at the beginning of this that there would be a reward for participating every day.


Participating was not difficult nor did it take more than 10-15 minuets AT MOST. This is beyond reasonable.


And as someone already said, not being rewarded is not the same as being punished. It's not a penalty it's just that you didn't complete the requirements. ^^;

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I think it's fair, it's just one event - there will be more in the future. *shrug* real life issues should be more important - people should concern themselves with that instead of getting that extra trophy or whatever. I was very disappointed to not get the negg faerie stuff but hey, I didn't know that i had to do everything the day it was released either. I don't see many people flipping out about that.

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I think it's fair, it's just one event - there will be more in the future. *shrug* real life issues should be more important - people should concern themselves with that instead of getting that extra trophy or whatever. I was very disappointed to not get the negg faerie stuff but hey, I didn't know that i had to do everything the day it was released either. I don't see many people flipping out about that.


I missed out on Altador and Faerie plot, but I don't begrudge people that were online every day. Yes, some people aren't on everyday, but that's the same for absolutely everything. I think the reasoning behind is that if you STICK with the plot, you get bigger rewards, they aren't targeting people who have 24 hour access to internet

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I think the root of the problem with it as they rewarded something that is soooooo hard to get, so people who were busy are heartbroken 'cause now they'll never be able to get it. What would be rad is if all the themes were like the Winter one--super duper rare events after you an no longer get the events. Then, people won't feel upset about having to do something else.


The Avatar is boss though *hugs it*


I think its fair but things that don't enhance status any shouldn't be the reward. Like, everyone who did it every day should get an item almost impossible to get or a mega rare petpet or Neocash, or a trophy but not something only the user can see 'cause then how will you show off you did all that work?.

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it's also nice to have something that can't be bought so easily. goes to show the person with the most neopoints may still not be able to buy -everything- besides, the only reason i play neopets is that it takes only a few minutes to maintain it. *shrug* not hours and years and so on. and if anyone was really having trouble there were guides on every neopets dedicated site with solutions to everything to help you get it done within 5minutes =x

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I think its completely fair, because you could skip all the days of the plot, and then just pop on for the last day, solve all the puzzles, and get the avvie when you come back. I didn't come online every day, and I still received the avvie. You just have to have everything complete before it was over. Besides, I kinda like that people missed the avvie, it makes it more rare and cool that I have it. Sorry, that might have been a bit mean.

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I'm the opposite of all you guys! I think its very unfair to do such things. I mean I come online EVERYDAY but it was just that first day of giving out prizes that I wasn't online in the morning! I was really busy and I couldn't come in the night either but I was there early in the morning when they didn't let us into the shanty. So I think TNT has made it very unfair. You know um...Asians...? Their timings are different. Most of them have day when we have night and night when we have day. I was actually working according to their kind of time ( I was wide awake really early in the morning and half the night) that particular day so you can imagine how sleepy I would have been during the day. I slept during the day (half of it) and because of that i couldn't get the theme or whatever.

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The last 'day' where they were not letting people in because of the glitch, there was no new puzzle for that day, the last one was the day before so either you missed another day or yours got messed up somehow.

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Yes, but the people who went there on that day got the site theme right? But I didn't even thought I was online that day. TNT should know that they should fix everything or do whatever they want early in the morning so by around 7 am NST everything should be accessible.

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Yes, but the people who went there on that day got the site theme right?

Umm, no. I am under the assumption that the theme was obtained by doing 5 island searches each day and then after those days were up, doing 1 puzzle each day. The last glitchy day had no bearing on prize results.

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