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Do you have a Neoquest or Neoquest ii trophy?


Do you have a neoquest   

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have a neoquest and/or neoquest ii trophy?

    • I have both trophies.
    • I have a neoquest trophy but not a neoquest ii trophy.
    • I have a neoquest ii trophy but not a neoquest trophy.
    • I do not have either, but plan on getting one sometime.
    • I do not have either, and have no interest in them either.

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I am just curious to know what percentage of people actually finished playing an entire game of neoquest or neoquest ii. Neoquest was one of the reasons I joined neopets: I love this kind of rpg clicking game :) Just curious, do you have a neoquest or neoquest ii trophy as well?

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I've played NQI twice, and NQII once. So I have one silver and one bronze.


I started playing NQII again but I was swiftly defeated. I'll probably not play it anymore.


As I recall, the np earned was quite nice, and of course you get like three or four avs from beating them both.

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I would really like to get those avatars but these kinds of games bore me a little bit. :( Plus, I'm really not good at figuring out what I need to do next, haha.

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I'm currently working on neoquest II for the avatars. I'm a huge fan of RPGs like this but I don't like the click-reload system. I would much rather prefer a console-style game...maybe in flash?

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Neoquest II - Gold

Neoquest I - Working towards Silver now :)


I think they are fairly enjoyable games, once you get over the fact that you need to click click click to make any kind of progress.

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I don't play RPG's .. I don't have the patience or the time for it ... but maybe sometime with a full guide - walkthrough


Yeah, does anyone know of a really detailed, practically step by step (click by click XP) walkthrough? I'm sure that's kind of like cheating but I don't really have the patience otherwise.

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Yeah, does anyone know of a really detailed, practically step by step (click by click XP) walkthrough? I'm sure that's kind of like cheating but I don't really have the patience otherwise.

I'm looking for that as well. I really want to get the avatars and the trophy, but I just don't have the patience.

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I made it about 1/4 of the way through the first one....I should really get back on that. lol....The main problem was that I did it without a guide and my stats were all rubbish and I got pretty frustrated.

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ahaha, I'm glad I checked this board! I'm just trying to collect the avatars for NQ I & II and these guides are gonna be a real help. Thanks guys. (:

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I started NQII first because it awarded more avatars. The one was awarded so close to the end, i figured I may as well finished. Currently replaying in the next hardest level, while also playing NQ1 for the avvie. Actually, I can't remember if I got that one yet...


Edit: I do have all the avvies lol.

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I love both NQ I and II. I have silver for both. I made it to the end of NQ II a third time for the gold but was defeated by King Terask (was that his name?). This was back in Oct, Nov so I haven't played in awhile. I would play more often if I had a faster computer. It takes for-ever to load a page. When I do have a faster computer, I'm going to try to get the racing trophy if it's still available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played NQII a while ago for the avatars, and I just started NQI for that avatar. I don't mind playing them, as generally I have them open in the background and just click every once in a while so it doesn't get boring.


I do want to do NQII on hard (evil?) but after I finished on normal I started on the harder level and had my butt handed to me within ten minutes, so I haven't tried again :laughingsmiley:

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I finished NQI and II on normal in about 4 years...with lots of hiatuses...


I finished NQII last year for the silver trophy...between July and August


and I started a NQII game on InSaNe this last May...I am currently near where one acquires Mipsy

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