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I was wondering if there was a rule against creating a pet, putting it in the pound soon after and then repeating the pattern for a couple pets? I'm asking this because I am currently trying to collect as many avatars as I can get, and a bit of them require a certain pet. For example, the avatar requirements could be to feed something with the word 'spotted' to your tuskanniny. If I were to adopt a tuskaninny, get the avatar and then abandon it a couple days afterwards is that against the rules? I would be doing this repeatedly to get as many avatars as I could, and in doing so create as many pets. I probably wouldn't do it so quickly though. Maybe about 2 weeks with the pet instead of 2 days. But (other than being kind of mean) is this something serious that I shouldn't even mess with? I know TNT wants us to adopt pets and love them and I assure you I have 3 pets that I care about and take care of very well! But, I would really like to get these couple of avatars and I personally don't see the harm of doing this if the pets would go to the pound where someone could adopt them and care for them.


I don't think the rules explicitly say anything against it, the message in the pound is just to try to get you to reconsider. Although I'm pretty sure you can't abandon newly-created pets until they are at least 7 days old.


Sounds okay to mean but it seems to me to be more ethical to find one in the pound (check lost and pound site), adopt, and then re-abandon so then we are not adding to the # of unloved pets in the pound


There's no rule against abandoning pets, you are free to do so as much as you wish. May I, however, suggest adopting the pets you need, then re-abandoning them? Less pets cluttering the pound, more free names for people, ect. Plus you have a wait of just a day or two instead of the week's wait if you create a pet.


Oh that's great news! I didn't want to get into any sort of trouble with TNT. Adopting does sound better than creating, now that I think about it. Alright guys thanks! :)


why create new pets then abandon them? there are lots of poor unwanted pets in the pound ;;; u can choose from them ... and who knows , u might like ur new pet and decide to keep it (just like what happened to me)


Yeah, there's usually an abundance of basic avatar pets in the pound, created and abandoned for the specific reason of people adopting them as needed and throwing them back in the pound.


In my earlier days, I created a new pet, morphed it a couple of times to suit whichever avatar I was going for, and then eventually made it a Lab Rat and adopted it out. So one pet got me like at least 7 avs if not more. It brought me Grey, Pink, Pwned by the Lab, Mutant, and a slew of others. So maybe that's an idea to consider, too?


Since this is an avatar thread about pound pets - Does anyone need a Snow Pet for the "Wocky - Snow Day" avatar? I have a 106 day old snow uni that I have no use for. I've been using the lab ray and now I've got two snow unis on my side account and I only want one.


Neomail my neopets account "geoterza" so this doesn't clutter up the forums and let me know if you want to borrow or keep it. And if you want to just borrow it I'll let you know who to pass it on to when you're done if I get multiple replies.


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