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so i herd j00 liek mudkipz?

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Ohai thar everyone :D


I'm anonymous. Or anon for short.


My username on neopets is SWAA, which doesn't really stand for anything.


I'm a girl.


I like emoticons.


Especially :D


But i'll try not to misuse it that much...>.>


I'm new here.


My timezone is +12, the Auckland/Wellington time.


Yes, I do live in NZ.


you jelly *trollface*

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Hey Anon! Welcome to the forums! :D Its nice to meet you! I'm Adrianna, Arie for short.


Its nice to meet you! My Neopets username is redstrawberry88 as you can see. :D


I like emoticons too!


You will like it here. :P 0:)

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Hey Anon! Welcome to the boards! :D


I want to live in NZ xD i herd u have tuataras

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Mudkips? I don't like Mudkips, I adore Mudkips!

Call me Neomysterion, and welcome to TDNForums!

Izzy (a TDN Staffer) lives in New Zealand, she'll be proud to make your acquaintance Anon.

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Hey there! I just thought I'd mention I don't like mudkips... I love them! -squishes a cuddly toy- I want a remake of the Hoenn games so I can have a look around! D:


SWAA? I like that set of four letters... or any four letters. Anything to do with four whatsoever actually. Emoticons are the awesomest... though my favourite's this one: :evil: (But it doesn't mean I'm evil... really!) Timezone is GMT, +/- 0. Opposite sides of the world! Nice! You'll love it here, I assure you.

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Hi Anon! I'm Naamah. I live in New England so I don't know what time frame I'm in. Emoticons rock! This one's my favorite :wub_anim: I like Mudkips but pefer Torchics.

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