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Online reading Vs normal reading

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This is basically my argument with my parents. We are ALWAYS reading things online, whether is posts, comments whatever, but we do read them so I don't find anything wrong. If there's something we don't understand, we can easily look it up and get the definition hence we learn. The world is moving on, books aren't all there is to reading now.


On another note, I like reading books before I sleep ^^ And searching the library for another to read. And books smell nice xD

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I like reading a 'real book' a lot more too, I like the feel of holding it in my hand, the feel of flipping through the pages, and the smell of papers


...don't like putting my nose in front of a monitor and scroll through the pages with a mouse...

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I love books, don't get me wrong, but I only read them when I'm borrowing them from the library (which, actually, is a lot of the time) or textbooks that have no corresponding CD or database. Book-ish smell, etc. etc., can't argue there. However, the rest of the time I use E-books or online books or what-have-you (especially for textbooks; makes studying easier...). It's convenient, what can I say? For me, anyway.


I truly don't understand the hatred for Kindles and similar products. It's the same text, just more convenient and sometimes cheaper. No need to get all, "omg Fahrenheit 451!!111 society is ruining our culture!!1"

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There is something about owning books....about seeing pages on paper...about keeping something AWAY from the technology surges we keep going through. Besides textbooks, I will refuse to ever buy books online that I can really own.


Plus, I can't really dream of owning a replica Beast's library with a computer.....

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I'm too lazy to read all the posts, so i'm just gonna say this.


As much as i may not "enjoy" reading, per se, i hate online reading. The main fact for me is its great just laying in a bed goofing off and not actually reading and then realize you have to turn the book in tomorrow so you go to page XX and read until page XXX and then say you're done with the book.


And yeah, i'm talking about summer reading.

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I'm too lazy to read all the posts, so i'm just gonna say this.


As much as i may not "enjoy" reading, per se, i hate online reading. The main fact for me is its great just laying in a bed goofing off and not actually reading and then realize you have to turn the book in tomorrow so you go to page XX and read until page XXX and then say you're done with the book.


And yeah, i'm talking about summer reading.


It took me a long time to realize you were Javi. :P


Yeah, I never used to like reading before.

I never liked summer reading when I was in school. It was just one of the most boring things someone should do. :D


If you're going to post on an online forum you better learn how to post right.

Apologize when you're wrong and cut that childish attitude. No one is going to respect you if you make posts like that ^

Or just avoid the debate forum and hope no one disagrees with you ever.

You know, she is new here.


edit: btw I forgot to address this in my other post. Don't worry about books losing their importance. They are far from becoming obsolete as you can see from some other posts in this topic. It's kind of like how even though we can buy digital albums online, a lot of people still like buying cds or vinyl records!


Yeah, you're right. Books won't lose their importance in a long time. What I hate the most are audiobooks! They are worse than ebooks. You just listen to those words and you can't even see them!



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So it appears jokes aren't used on this forum often.

I didn't know everyone would be so ~offended~ by me just posting a little thing.


Childish and rude and I "better learn to post right". That's a new one.

I generally am agree'd with in debates and thank you for being concerned on how my posting goes.

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Oh please. <_< Both Clar and Luciana! Cut it out! This topic is supposed to be a debate on books. You two shouldn't be quarreling like that here!



There is something about owning books....about seeing pages on paper...about keeping something AWAY from the technology surges we keep going through.


I know right? I like turning the pages by feeling them and using my own fingers.

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There's a lot of merits to online and normal reading. Online reading just deduces the cost and weight of the many books one has to carry, but it also makes regular books obsolete. Publishers lose their businesses and stuff. Overall, online reading is just more portable and economically sound than buying books, though you do have to buy the Kindle first <_< but in the long run, you'd save yourself a bundle.


Normal books on the other hand are tradition, and people just can't let that go. It is safer than staring at a monitor, but it does cost trees for people who know the environmental issue right now, trees are our friends. Economically, if you can buy books, you're rich, even in the old days. Portability, one or two books isn't going to kill you, but if you're schooling, then those textbooks are. Environmentally, trees grow slow, and we kill them fast.


Right now, online is just winning it for me, but it's just all about preference. It's not healthy to be staring at the monitor 24/7, but buying 10 books isn't helping deforestation either. Those are just my opinions, but I try to stay away from buying books and just share them or borrow if I can.

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I like normal reading waaay better than online reading because of the following reasons:


1. Online reading is more stressful to the eyes because of UV rays and all that flickering lights, etc.

2. I can highlight things in books specially when studying.

3. Well, books don't run out of power whereas laptops and the like do.

4. Books are more comfortable to bring when traveling if I want to do something to past the time compared to laptops, etc.

5. Books are way safer to carry. If it gets stolen, you can just buy a new one. Whereas those gadgets are, well, very heavy on the wallet. :)

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I think there's pros and cons for each, although personally I prefer proper reading as in with a book. I like the weight of the book, the turning of the pages and just the fact that it is a book. But the fact that I prefer books doesn't mean that kindles aren't useful and in some occasions better.


They are much easier to carry around (I'm currently reading Fall of Giants by Ken Follet and at nearly 900 pages I wish I did have it in iBook form! In terms of storage space they win and in terms of how many books you can take on holiday they win.


I will never lose my love of the aesthetics of books but I can understand the practicality of the kindles etc. Personally what I want is my main book collection in proper form and then a galaxy tab or a kindle for my secondary collection which I don't feel I have to 'own' as such. Plus Kindle books are cheaper...although you can't buy them at car boots!


So yeah, pros and cons to both. But I don't think anyone should be judging anyone with a Kindle - the content is the same and the fact that they would prefer to read it in that format is their business not yours.


EDIT: And on the topic of audio books - they have uses too. They are fantastic for when driving and I usually buy audio books which I have already read but that I enjoy listening to as well. But more importantly I have a lot of elderly friends who would truly love to be able to read like they used to but due to sight that comes with age they can't - on several occasions I have introduced them to audio books; it's not laziness it's allowing them to stay in touch with books and even if they can't read them now they can still enjoy the story.

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I like normal reading waaay better than online reading because of the following reasons:


1. Online reading is more stressful to the eyes because of UV rays and all that flickering lights, etc.

2. I can highlight things in books specially when studying.

3. Well, books don't run out of power whereas laptops and the like do.

4. Books are more comfortable to bring when traveling if I want to do something to past the time compared to laptops, etc.

5. Books are way safer to carry. If it gets stolen, you can just buy a new one. Whereas those gadgets are, well, very heavy on the wallet. :)

What about compared to digital reading though?


1. Both the Kindle and the Nook don't stress the eyes because the screen doesn't actually use any light.

2. You can highlight things in most e-Books, and it saves it all in a place where you can see all of your highlights.

3. Sure, but you only have to recharge a Kindle maybe once or twice a month (with wi-fi off)

4. E-books are lighter and have the capacity to carry more books. Covers can be purchased to protect your reader.

5. Well you have a point here. But stealing a Kindle would be pointless, because if you contact Amazon, they'll blacklist it and erase all of the books on it.


Course, I only really talked about the Kindle because that's all I have. Just saying, I think they have a lot more merit than most people on this forum think.

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Advantages of E-books or online portable reading thingies:


1. They are easy enough to carry just like books.

2. You don't have to remember the page number or bookmark a page unlike in books where if you forget the page number you have to waste time and find out where you left by reading the same things again.

3. You don't need to carry like a whole pile of books when you can just carry one iPad or kindle or whatever.

4. They don't close by themselves if you don't hold them.

5. You can adjust the it's light.

6. You can read anywhere you go.




1. They lose their battery power after some time.

2. Its costly and might get lost or stolen.

3. Too much time staring at an electronic device can spoil our eyes.

4. Sometimes you won't be able to download the book you want.

5. You can't actually feel the pages when you go to the next page.

6. Their brightness might disturb other people.

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I can't manage online reading for more than one hour before my eyes start hurting. Normal reading is definitely the way to go. It's also better for your eyesight in the long run.


I know right? I actually get headaches and all often so I only read a real book.



By the way, Welcome to the Forums.

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Books! I love books and own a TON. I really want to have a nice personal library once I get my own house. The only things I read online are HP fanfiction xD I like the convenience of ebooks, but I can almost just as easily carry a book around in my bag and I much prefer holding a book to reading on a screen. I just love the feel of real books too. I'm a nerd xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually a great fan of the e-book. I agree that there is nothing like reading a real paper book, but to me, the benefits of e-books far outweigh the loss of the physical elements of the book.


Its a bit different for me though, because where I am, there aren't that many places to buy english books from..and as I'm a big fan of series and like to stay up-to-date with my reading, its nearly impossible for me to find the books that I'm looking for anywhere near me. Although I have the option of ordering online from amazon or ebay, the shipping costs are usually double or triple the value of the book itself.


So I switched to reading e-books, almost exclusively, for the past 4 years. I have them downloaded instantly, no wait time, they're cheaper than buying the book printed, and they take up next to no space (only on my HD ^_^ )


I read my ebooks on my ipod touch using the Stanza app, it has a page flipping animation when you touch the sides of the screen, so its like you're reading a paper book. And I can adjust the brightness to suit my surroundings. This was pretty useful a couple of years ago, because we lived 4 hours away from my grandmother's house, and we'd visit once every 2-4 weeks by car. I'd be in the backseat and when the sun set, I could just increase the brightness on my ipod and I could still read (I wasn't allowed to use my old clip-on light on my paper books because, even from the backseat, the light would get in my dad's eyes as he was driving, but a lit ipod screen is quite a bit dimmer, so my parents didn't mind)


I can download 10-15 books at a time and read them at my leisure. If I finish a book while I'm waiting for my ride home from college, or when I'm out, I can just move on to the next book on the list. It beats carrying 10-15 actual books in my bag at all times :laughingsmiley:


I still read the occasional paper book, borrowed from a friend, or a rare find at a sale, but they're at a 1:10 ratio compared to e-books.

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I'm actually a great fan of the e-book. I agree that there is nothing like reading a real paper book, but to me, the benefits of e-books far outweigh the loss of the physical elements of the book.


Its a bit different for me though, because where I am, there aren't that many places to buy english books from..and as I'm a big fan of series and like to stay up-to-date with my reading, its nearly impossible for me to find the books that I'm looking for anywhere near me. Although I have the option of ordering online from amazon or ebay, the shipping costs are usually double or triple the value of the book itself.


So I switched to reading e-books, almost exclusively, for the past 4 years. I have them downloaded instantly, no wait time, they're cheaper than buying the book printed, and they take up next to no space (only on my HD ^_^ )


I read my ebooks on my ipod touch using the Stanza app, it has a page flipping animation when you touch the sides of the screen, so its like you're reading a paper book. And I can adjust the brightness to suit my surroundings. This was pretty useful a couple of years ago, because we lived 4 hours away from my grandmother's house, and we'd visit once every 2-4 weeks by car. I'd be in the backseat and when the sun set, I could just increase the brightness on my ipod and I could still read (I wasn't allowed to use my old clip-on light on my paper books because, even from the backseat, the light would get in my dad's eyes as he was driving, but a lit ipod screen is quite a bit dimmer, so my parents didn't mind)


I can download 10-15 books at a time and read them at my leisure. If I finish a book while I'm waiting for my ride home from college, or when I'm out, I can just move on to the next book on the list. It beats carrying 10-15 actual books in my bag at all times :laughingsmiley:


I still read the occasional paper book, borrowed from a friend, or a rare find at a sale, but they're at a 1:10 ratio compared to e-books.



Wow! Your explanation of e-books seems very...I'm not getting the right word. :mellow:

Well, it makes me want to start using e-books! I'll be doing that soon(I hope) but still nothing beats a real book! :D

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Alot of great arguments on both sides here. Truthfully for me, it all depends on what I'm reading, and the purpose for me reading it.



I do love laying back in bed with a book. This is one of the simple pleasures in life. However, when you own 30,000+ books, in a small apartment.........you probably won't have room for the above mentioned bed. I too have gotten on the Kindle bandwagon for many reasons. First of all is that dreaded storage issue. Second, and it was mentioned before. If I'm out and about doing something, and finish off a book. I don't have to sit there wishing I had read the thing slower, I can simply move on. Something that before would have required me packing an extra book along for. Not to mention the fact if I get the urge to read a new book at 4:30 AM because I can't sleep, I can simply purchase it in seconds, instead of having to get dressed, and drive across town to get one. All in all, in my opinion there is nothing that will replace the feeling of laying there with a legitimate book, flipping through it slowly as you relax. But devices like the Kindle make it possible to read anything you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. It's a more compact, reasonable way to own a massive book collection that otherwise would not fit in my home.

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