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Hipster Ixi

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So maybe no one else will think this is as funny as I do...and I know I'm a little late, but...


This Ixi outfit, is totally hipster. TNT tried to call it the "casual outfit," but I'm not fooled.

I know a hipster when I see one...


OMG, I even found the hipster that inspired the Ixi right here:


The guy second from the right or third from the left...

The scarf, hat, blazer with undershirt protruding, and skinny jeans.

It's even the same colors.

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wow .. i noticed that .. but i thought .. maybe he's just a beatnik ... ehhh i'm not really good with nomenclatures of sub-cultures ...


and queen is right .. there's an item called "Black Square Glasses" that would really go great ..

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