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Movie peeves

Tank Girl

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Totally random, but it just popped up in my head so whatever :P


I'd love to know what your biggest annoyances are in movies!


Mine is when it's a romantic scene and the bloke says "you're blushing" - but of course her face is exactly the same shade as before ¬_¬

Happens in soo many films as well! LAME.


What are yours? ^_^

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The males in my life can be pretty obnoxious movie companions. Some examples:


My father (A History/Government teacher)---Has the need to point out any and all historical inaccuracies in movies....Unfortunately, if I don't catch myself I find that I do the same. o.o


My boyfriend and his brother, who is also our roommate(both gun enthusiasts who also sell/work with guns)---Need to point out exactly what gun such-and-such is using, why this is a good or bad idea/how they feel about said gun, and whether the noise made was exaggerated/played down in the movie.......Good gracious, can no one just WATCH the movie? lol


Roommate(same)---Feels the need to shout at intimate moments (or pretty much when any two people of the opposite sex are talking for more than two seconds), "* expletive* her/him already". -.-


This is exactly why I love watching mindless teen movies and chick flicks with my mum...We may make a comment here or there, but we generally just sit and, you know, enjoy the movie.

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I find it very annoying in movies when they "kill off" a character, but then he inexplicably comes back from the dead and either gets the girl if he is a good guy, or causes havoc if he is a bad guy. I like my characters to stay dead when they die.

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My boyfriend and his brother, who is also our roommate(both gun enthusiasts who also sell/work with guns)---Need to point out exactly what gun such-and-such is using, why this is a good or bad idea/how they feel about said gun, and whether the noise made was exaggerated/played down in the movie.......Good gracious, can no one just WATCH the movie? lol


That sounds fairly familiar in my case; if there's melee weapons involved, I'm like "oooo that's a shashka!" or "oooooo, look at that! They're using a yanmaodao!" Yeah, I'm that nerdy sometimes...


Anyway, back on topic, one of the things I hate is when the movie ends on a sweet sending, when it should have been bittersweet. I was watching one, and very near the end, one of the main males had a terminal illness, and I thought "if he comes back at the end, I will be so peeved off". In the end, he didn't, and that made the whole story wrap up quite nicely. I think I would have been fairly angry if he miraculously overcame his illness and lived.

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I get really irritated when a movie is predictable. And I absolutely loathe happy endings. Most of the time. :)


I think I like movies more than tv. I can forgive a mediocre movie, but bad tv just makes me mad. "Glee" was the cause of my last rage.

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I get really irritated when a movie is predictable. And I absolutely loathe happy endings. Most of the time. :)


I think I like movies more than tv. I can forgive a mediocre movie, but bad tv just makes me mad. "Glee" was the cause of my last rage.


:O ... How can you not like Glee? It makes me so happy!!

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I like laughing really loudly and commenting along with everything, so i generally watch movies by myself :laughingsmiley:


but when I go to the theater with my friends, I always get irritated that the one tall person in the whole theatre has to sit in front of me <_<

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I hate it when there's that one guy (or several guys) in the theater that's howling like a hyena when one of the characters in a movie says something that's supposedly funny. I don't want to sound like I don't want them to have any fun, but geez, are the lines that funny? I'd be more accepting of that if someone was watching the movie at home, but still...

I also hate watching movies with my friends most of the time. They're always adding their own commentary, laughing at stuff I don't find all that funny and basically ruining the movie-watching experience for me. It makes me feel really, really awkward. However, there are a select few friends that I can watch movies with if I feel like it.

Oh, and most romance movies annoy me- almost all of them are the same. Guy meets girl, they go out to dinner/to see a movie/something else, awwwww they have their first kiss as a couple :wub_anim:, maybe another date and the optional fight.


And how could I forget 3D movies? Even if they're less than two hours long, I'm always really nauseous near the end. I don't get what's so special about 3D. :/

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And how could I forget 3D movies? Even if they're less than two hours long, I'm always really nauseous near the end. I don't get what's so special about 3D. :/


UGH AGREED. :angry:


I can't see 3D (eye problems, i don't remember which it's related to though xD) and sometimes it gets REALLY frustrating to try and find 2d versions of movies I want to see.


At least Harry Potter is popular enough that they had plenty of 2D showings -_-

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When people laugh in movie theatres. I don't watch movies but one time I was in a theatre and a character said something along the lines of "Listen here..." and this guy just burst laughing like this "GAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAH!!!!!" it's like calm down! It wasn't that funny. Guys in theatres are just obnoxius. These two guys were sitting behind me and saw the preview for Easy A and the two were all "Whoooweee! Gimme some of that!". Oh God....and the Oceans "some number" preview. That I'll remember forever. The actor had a HUGE nose and this guy was with his girlfriend and he said "Chelsea! Chelsea! Look at the size of that nose!" I came so close to saying "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but I would've gotten kicked out.

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I feel sorry for you, starlite.



But that never happens to me since i never see movies the day it comes out. When i see movies, the only people that are there are my and whoever i'm at with at the movies, and maybe another father and son or something. :/


I hate when movies end at a cliffhanger. *coughavatarcough*

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I feel sorry for you, starlite.



But that never happens to me since i never see movies the day it comes out. When i see movies, the only people that are there are my and whoever i'm at with at the movies, and maybe another father and son or something. :/


I hate when movies end at a cliffhanger. *coughavatarcough*


What's even more annoying is this:


Me: I watched a movie last night?


Person: Who's in it?


Me: I don't pay much attention to actors/actresses


Person: :Laughs:


Seriously! I didn't know not paying attention to celebrities was humerous. I pay attention to musical figures though for the bands I listen to. :hugs avatar:

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I hate when movies end at a cliffhanger. *coughavatarcough*


Avatar wasn't a cliffhanger ending! He got the girl and became an avatar forever, the end. lol. It's good they're making a second one though, as long as they don't completely ruin it by making more after that.


I hope it comes out in 2D in some places. 3D REALLY scares me haha

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Action films where half the plot is explosion and guns.

Romantic movies where the two people fall in love at first sight.

Romantic comedy movies whose point seems to be 'men and women are different,' if that makes any sense at all.

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The spamming of 3D. When its done right, its beautiful like the New Harry Potter movie but they just tack it on. Yaay so glad I payed an extra three dollars for a headache!


But my major real pet peeve is sex scenes. Unless they move the plot along, there is no reason to be shagging. USA sometimes plays Dawn of the Dead where they remove all of them and if you hadn't seen it before you wouldn't even notice something was missing. They just add it there is get more viewer :/ also really bad blood effects in mainstream movies. I look away and suck it up if its a low budget one. I'm such a stick about good splatter effects.

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