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Wow. Some of those sizes really throw me off. The Buzz I would expect to be small, but the Flotsam being the smallest is just weird. (Or the Nimmo being so far up there, size-wise.)


Yeah I had seen that before, but I can never wrap my brain around it.

Like Spritzie said, some of them make since, but some of them are really bizarre.


It would be fun for Preson335 to make another one of his AC Team lists doing size comparisons.

I bet some teams have really "unfair" size advantage. Just having taken a glymps at V-pets...we are a tiny team.


my Eyrie : Height: 169 cms.

Weight: 132 lbs


my Unis :


darkphilosophy : Height: 113 cms.

Weight: 100 lbs.


my other unis are 56 and 50 cm bcz they used to be a Chia and Lenny , respectively ..


how come a LENNY who is all legs is just 50 cm tall ?!!!


my Cybunny : Height: 31 cms.

Weight: 24 lbs.


.. yeah , I knew this ... and those statistics are pretty accurate .. but just like everyone else it's bizzare to me ... I still don't understand how USUL is bigger than TONU ! ... and why are Scorchios so big ?


I'm surprised at all of the pet sizes...I always thought the Grarrl, Skeith and Chomby would be the three biggest pets, guess I was wrong. I'm also surprised that the Flotsam, Xweetok, Bori, Cybunny, Jetsam and Kyrii are among the smallest pets. o_O


The Blumaroo could eat a buzz! That is so weird!


I know, right? The Blumaroo doesn't seem like much a predator but now that you mention the fact that it can eat a Buzz...:P


Most make sense; the only one I really disagree with is Flotsam. I mean, it's practically a real-life dolphin- which, are pretty big. How could it be the SMALLEST? <_<


I remember being real freaked out when I checked the measurement of my Moehog. I'd always imagined picking him up and cuddling him (lollll what a lameo) like a small-medium sized dog. Then I realised he weighs a lot more than me and is nearly as tall! It's so crazy :P


hahaha this is so random xDDD


I mean, I'm 146 cm, so I'm taller than everything except a gigantic griffin.


Also, my draik is 100cm, which is twice as tall as the average Draik, apparently o_O


hahaha this is so random xDDD


I mean, I'm 146 cm, so I'm taller than everything except a gigantic griffin.


Also, my draik is 100cm, which is twice as tall as the average Draik, apparently o_O


My Draik is 100cm too. I didn't even think to check that.


My Draik is 100cm too. I didn't even think to check that.


Yay!! They're twinzies!! :P


I wonder how accurate the chart is, or when it was last updated xD


I go by inches not cm usually. I'll just look at my pets mesurements on their lookups.


Daisy(my Flotsam)weighs 16 pounds and CoCo(my Techo)weighs 65 pounds. CoCo could eat Daisy for dinner. But I won't let that happen.


I go by inches not cm usually. I'll just look at my pets mesurements on their lookups.


The chart has only average neopet sizes, so your pets might be way over or under the average though :laughingsmiley:


It's easy enough to convert to cm too; I use this site.



I wonder if, for example, an aisha's ear length is part of the measurement. And are meercas measured head to tail, or just their bodies? Hm.


That might be a good one to ask the editorial.


I was surprised as well to find out about this; I'm in disbelief at how small Yurbles are! They're only just bigger than an average ruler.


I suspect that the height of the pets don't change if you change it into another species; e.g. my kawaiiAddison was originally a Korbat, and the average height is 70 (kA's 77cm). He is now a Mallow Grundo, but his height is still 77cm rather than the average 41cm.


Similar story for my side account - kawaiiPennyDreadfuls was originally an Eyrie and even though he's now a Mutant Ruki, his height is still 166cm.


Oh, that's an interesting thought!! :D But that doesn't explain Jetalle and Aitvara's freakishly tall sizes - they were both hatched Draiks. :laughingsmiley:


o.O your Draiks are twice the height of the average Draik! Maybe their average height has somehow changed to 100? Or it could simply be a stroke of luck that they're so big.


The list makes me wonder about baby pets. When I painted my korbat I was shocked by how tiny her image got.


Also this reminds me how painfully American I am. I saw 100 cm and thought "Wow, only a foot tall!"



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