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Is anyone else having trouble with Neopets today?


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I went to zap my pet and I received the error message "You are only allowed to visit the lab once a day" although I haven't been to the lab since yesterday..?

Then my Habitarium kept freezing up, which has never happened before. And, when I went to the pound to adopt a Skeith (just to feed it a Skeith Juice Cocktail for the avatar and send it back to the pound) I received the error message "you currently have a pet in transit, you can't visit the pound blahblahblah" although I haven't transfered any pet for months..?

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See if you have a pet in transit there. o_O; If there is one or a transfer that you don't recognize, submit a ticket to TNT and change your passwords to everything and start adding PIN numbers to stuff. D: D:

If there is nothing, submit a ticket to TNT saying that your stuff is messing up...? xD


Good luck with your issues -- Neopets is running just fine for me today. D: So I dunno.

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Everything was okay with me and Neopets until Midnight NST.

Since then, the games (and the games page) won't load at all (including the Altador Cup games), and my Flash Player is still okay.

I just hope TNT comes and fix this soon, I need to play Yooyuball! :grrr:

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Yeah, everyone is having trouble accessing the games room at the moment. It really stinks for the teams with All-Stars that play at this time.


I've had no other issues though, I hope the problems stop soon. :(

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Hmmm I'm not sure whether to be glad that it's not just me having trouble with games, or bad for everyone else. I've been playing Solitaire and pyramids.


I'm not in the States or Western Europe or Australia, so I thought maybe it was my location (I was so mad when they wouldn't let me access the nc part of the game challenge because of my location!), since Neopets seems to think they ought to treat players who aren't in those countries like rubbish <_<

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Everything was okay with me and Neopets until Midnight NST.

Since then, the games (and the games page) won't load at all (including the Altador Cup games), and my Flash Player is still okay.

I just hope TNT comes and fix this soon, I need to play Yooyuball! :grrr:

Yeah it is happening to me two!!!

And I want to play Yooyuball >:

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Glad to know this isn't just me! I thought maybe it was just my work computer but obviously not. Interesting timing for them to have a crash, bang in the middle of the Altador Cup...


This is not turning out to be a good month for them...

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Remember what happened Tuesday when the Flash games, Altador Cup Games, and the Games Room were unavailable and a just a white screen showed up? It happened again!

This may become an issue if this keeps up. :grrr:

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Remember what happened Tuesday when the Flash games, Altador Cup Games, and the Games Room were unavailable and a just a white screen showed up? It happened again!

This may become an issue if this keeps up. :grrr:

Aw jeez, not again.



I wonder why they don't have as much problems before.

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