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what's your favorite yooyu at the altador cup?



15 members have voted

  1. 1. what's your favorite yooyu at the altador cup?

    • normal yooyu
    • fire yooyu
    • faerie yooyu
    • darigan yooyu
    • clockwork yooyu
    • mutant yooyu

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You know what? My favorite yooyu at the altador cup most be the fire yooyu,since this type of Yooyu can travel a long distance very quickly, it's advisable to aim at the goal from a greater distance.Yet i still like the faerie and darigan yooyu.The faerie yooyu is just so pretty,but for my opinion the darigan yooyu is better because the best strategy for this type of ball is to keep it on your opponent's side of the field and let them take it from you.Anyway,my favorite is still the fire yooyu because of its strategy and speed.So what's your favorite yooyu?

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My favourite Yooyu of choice? I'd go with the Fire Yooyu. So swift and fires like a comet to the opponent's goal, he just doesn't see it coming!

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I'd say fire yooyu. it's easier than the normal one cuz you can just end it flying into the goal. next would be mutant. i don't see a change in this one than the normal one, and it looks a lot cooler. :)

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I love the darigan yooyu, normally it appears when I already have 2-3 goals and it just means I can stop playing and wait for the time to pass. If I'm lucky they even score a goal for me, since the yooyu goes on the opposite direction that you shoot :)

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I like Fire, regular and Clockwork Yooyus. The Fire Yooyu is by far the easiest to score with.

I cannot stand it when I get a Darigan or Faerie Yooyu. Both are freakin' impossible to score with, and sometimes I end up having one until the end of the game and ending up with no additional goals. :/

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I actually like the normal , plain Yooyu ... it's predictable and easy to shoot ... the Fire one can be tricky if you keep it for more than usual or if it fell into the other team's hand ...

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Fire is my favorite to play, but I'm also a huge Mutant fan. Works just like the regular one, but it's so cool~!

Plus for some reason, I get the feeling it doesn't like *insert team I'm playing against*, 'cause it seems to act wonky when my opponents have a hold of it. o_O;

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Here is my order from favorite to least favorite.


Normal Yooyu - No side effects are nice.

Snow Yooyu- Slowish, gotta charge it up a bit, not too bad.

Fire Yooyu- Shoots out of your hands at times, however it is quick.

Mutant Yooyu- Hardly ever takes more then 2 shots to get it in. No big deal.

Clockwork Yooyu- Pretty much better get it in on your first run, or its gonna explode.

Darigan Yooyu- Completely random, no technique other than crossing your fingers.

Faerie Yooyu- HATRED! Now that you have to charge up your shots the Faerie Yooyu is either too strong or too weak! Why does it have to be this way!? :thumbsdown:

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Normal, Fire and Ice ... my shooting style is to get it into the corner of the net, caus the goalkeeper never runs fast enough to intercept it. Thus, Faerie, Mutant and Darigan are nightmares for me, caus they completely muck up my way of scoring.

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Meh, i can never really tell the difference..i just get the ball

run up the top side of the field

when i get halfway i start charging it up

cut down the goal and shoot so the goalie doesnt have enough time to react

usually can get a goal every 10 seconds

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Fire Yooyu~ Its colour and lightning speed are cool, though it's a bit troublesome when it falls in opponents' hands...

Others are also not hard to shoot in the game, but I have to try many times with Faerie Yooyu... -w-

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I don't even understand what the Faerie Yooyu is trying to do. XD It always goes diagonally way away from where I'm aiming and it goes at random speeds.

It's almost as bad as the Darigan Ball, except at least you know that the Faerie ball is going to go. Well. Diagonally. Though up or down diagonally is a different matter entirely...

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