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How do you play YYB?

Yooyuball Formations  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What formation do you use most often?

    • 2-2 formation
    • 3-1 formation
    • 1-3 formation
    • I pick one randomly/I don't have a set formation
  2. 2. Which direction do you face?

    • I play towards the left
    • I play towards the right
    • I pick one randomly/I don't have a set direction

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I play 2+2- it's the default formation for my team (Virtupets). I prefer playing to the right, I don't really know why though. xD

EDIT: I know why...'cause I'm used to it. :P

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1-3 formation, towards the left.

I like 1-3 formation 'cause Hughlis seems to move fastest, combined with the better shooting.

And he gets really close to the middle, so if I'm lucky all I have to do is go forward and down a bit before shooting and I can hit the goal.


But I also do 3-1 formation sometimes, if I'm in the mood. But never never 2-2, 'cause the Skeith moves too slowly for me....

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I can only play towards the right side, I guess that's because I am too used to PlayStation when I was a kid, in one of the soccer games that I have, you always play towards the right side, I am too used to it already...

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I always play left to right; I think it's a hold-over from so many games I played as a kid being designed that way. In the old YYB, I preferred 3 attackers, but with the new one, I prefer 3 on defense, so it doesn't randomly switch on me as much. Never 2x2; it seems like you start farther away from the ball.

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Well, as it turns out, if I'm playing against a team in the 3-1 formation, I like playing in the 3-1 formation as well. It feels like I get to the ball quicker, I don't know. But for everything else I play in 1-3 formation. ;3

Woo~ my tactics are evolving.

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Guest gabbyrahwr

I play 1-3 and go left. It's the easiest for me to keep control of the ball.


Goooo Lost Desert!

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I play in the 2-2 formation while facing right when I'm playing Yooyuball, that's how I roll. :bike:

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I play with a 2+2 formation. Reason being is that my selected player is diagonal to the ball. So when all the forwards (or that one guy, depending on what team I'm playing against) rush for the ball, I head straight, then steal diagonally, giving me a clear shot to the goal.

Other times I steal vertically, depending on the circumstances.


And any sport game I play, it's always been left to right, and it's always worked for me. Don't fix it if it 'aint broken.

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I usually do 1+3. Occasionally, I do 3+1, and if I'm seriously bored, 2+2. I find 2+2 harder to get the ball with. Oh, and i go to the left. Not sure why I go to the left....

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