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So overall, I have done about 200+ edna quests, probably spent above 100k but no avatar. This is making me mad!


Ouchh! There's also the avatar where you have to land on the 'blank' part of the wheel, and you need to spend 100k to spin. Now that's a bummer.


Edna gives out the avatar on 3-item quests only ... if that might help you :)


That's not true. The majority of avs is given out for 3-item quests, but not exclusively.


I'm impressed with your dedication! I gave up the wheel of extravagance after just 4 spins. There's something about putting down 100k and getting 25k in return that's worse than nothing... I felt like the wheel was mocking me!


I've only spun it 4 or 5 times and gotten nothing and only once for 25k and a few for 50k. The majority of the time, I get a nerk or job coupon that I sell for 100k+ so when everything is squared around, I don't think I've lost too much on the WoE yet.


I hate the item avatars that are nearly impossible to get now (SuAP, MSPP, BGC) because there are so few items, it's terribly hard to find a lend, let alone afford the collat. And the avatars for stamp pages. Some of them cost over a billion to complete. If all the stamps individually were say, less than the TP limit (800k), I would be less frustrated.


I just ignore the stamp ones. I think some avatars are not so much for avatar collectors as they are for the people that are really into that part of the site. For instance, I got the stock avatar before I even knew what avatars were, because I'm a stock addict.


I bet there's 3-4 hardcore stamp collectors out there wondering what an avatar is and why they have one :)


The Chia Bomber 2 avatar is a toughie for me! Trying to get 1,300+ points... challenging!

The Wheel of Extravagance Avatar is an obvious NP sink to me, having to waste over 1.5 million on that, but no luck.


So this morning I went apple bobbing and I was too lazy to empty my inventory of everything but imposter apples, as I usually do. So of course, for the first time EVER I dropped something in the tank... and it was a water faerie. Once again, no Imposter Apple avatar for me.


I just had to vent :(


The four avatars I'm really hating now: Coconut Shy, Extravagance, Lever of Doom, and Kelp.

Most of them are expensive and they're random.

My best friend IRL got the Coconut Shy one, and I hate her for it.


Ugh. 20 times a day, every day, for every period of time when I'm not on hiatus adds up to a lot.

And she's only been active for (well, it's almost two years now, but still) a little while.


WOW, I remember getting her into Neopets, has it already been 20 months since then...? D: D: D:

*feels old*


The four avatars I'm really hating now: Coconut Shy, Extravagance, Lever of Doom, and Kelp.

Most of them are expensive and they're random.

My best friend IRL got the Coconut Shy one, and I hate her for it.


Ugh. 20 times a day, every day, for every period of time when I'm not on hiatus adds up to a lot.

And she's only been active for (well, it's almost two years now, but still) a little while.


WOW, I remember getting her into Neopets, has it already been 20 months since then...? D: D: D:

*feels old*


You're gonna hate me then. I won the Coconut Shy Avvie on my first try, and I won twice in that game :P


I agree that the Coconut Shy avatar is a real pain to chase as is the wheel of extravagance one. I have been trying for the imposter apple everyday for ages and will probably fall in the tub with shock if I ever get it..


I dislike any of the avatars that require the really expensive, almost non-existent, items like mspp.

Also, the wheel of extravagance, and any of the avatars you get for playing games.

Those that are random aren't too bad, but they get a bit frustrating over time as you continue for them and don't get them.


i hate the avatars that are retired.

i am at the moment for 1 month actively collecting avatars and there are a number of old retired avatars, which i don't have, which are impossible for me to get.


also some random avatars are a bit frustrating when you think you are goiong to play till he comes but it doens't always work.

after 3 hours battling and trying for the battle faerie avatar i quitted without the avatar



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