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Your Pet Is Zapped and...


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StaceP1nk is now invisible. Haha it's so funny not seeing a pet. I don't really mind because she isn't me "beauty" pet. I only have her to zap and be default that way of any bad RE's. It's just funny looking now. I am glad it's that though too cause if it was something good I might have had to keep her the way she was.

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I have been zapping pound pets to special colour/species.

I had an Aisha who was Invisible before he changed colour to Sketch and a Quiggle who was Invisible before he changed colour to Island.

So, maybe something good is going to happen!

Before you can "see" her, you can try to customize her using creepy theme. It's quite fun! :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:

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I don't think it's a bad thing to have a pet zapped into something awesome. After all, if you wanted to, you could give it to someone who really wanted it, and get yourself a new pet from the pound to zap :)

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It seems like every color zap I get is either a basic common Neopet or turning the pet Pink. UGH I'M SICK OF PINK.

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I agree with angelo. If you want a spooky type theme (which invisble pets can fit in) have like a haunted music track, a brown or gray hat, and the bone graveyard background.

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transparent pets are kind of cool cause you can showcase your background and stuff. But it kind of defeats the purpose of having a pet if you can't see it?

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Invisible pets are pointless and should be discontinued in favor of the Transparent PB ,,


Invisible pets are funny and because of customization, can be very interesting.

Plus, if we're getting rid of invisible pets we're getting rid of pets like this and that is a crime.

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Invisible pets are funny and because of customization, can be very interesting.

Plus, if we're getting rid of invisible pets we're getting rid of pets like this and that is a crime.







Besides, Invisible pets and Transparent pets aren't the same thing. XD

I think Transparent pets were the result of an argument TNT had about whether invisible meant they were totally invisible or that just their skin was invisible.

Or something.

And just like all colors they interest some, but don't interest others. I think some customization people do on them is pretty cool, and they're great for characterization, if you're a creative type.

But just that's just my view. o_O; Then again, 95% of Faeries BORE THE HELL OUT OF ME, so maybe I'm not the one to listen to about color opinions...

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But just that's just my view. o_O; Then again, 95% of Faeries BORE THE HELL OUT OF ME, so maybe I'm not the one to listen to about color opinions...


For Faeries, you're quite right. Some of the pets are just basics with pink wings or something of the sort tacked onto their backs.

HOWEVER I think SOME of the Faerie pets are done quite beautifully and uniquely, like the Faerie Xweetok (I own one :P), Pteri, Buzz, and Meerca.

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For Faeries, you're quite right. Some of the pets are just basics with pink wings or something of the sort tacked onto their backs.

HOWEVER I think SOME of the Faerie pets are done quite beautifully and uniquely, like the Faerie Xweetok (I own one :P), Pteri, Buzz, and Meerca.

Totally agree. ;3 ;3 ;3

And I'm tacking on Lenny and possibly Kougra as personal favorites (combined with Xweetoks and Pteris especially -- Xwees are so cute, and Pteris are just freakin' beautiful). =3 Buzzes and Meercas are pretty darn awesome as Faeries, too.

And for some reason, I like Grrarl. o_O; They go from Dinosaurs to DRAGONS, and that's cool.

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Cool. I zapped my custard chomby today and it changed to a green meerca. <_<

My Island Kacheek got turned into a Blue Yurble. I feel your pain. Now it's a toss-up between leaving it hideous and keep zapping...or dish out the cash for a potion and keep zapping. lol

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