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Alright, so a few weeks ago, I was over at my grandma's (funny thing is, I am over at her house right now!) and she has a PC and it doesn't have the latest anti-virus software. Well, I was playing neopets like any other normal day and then this "malware" began downloading itself onto her computer. There was nothing I could do, it literally just took over and she couldn't do anything. Luckily, my step-dad was also over with us and he worked at a computer store in his past and was able to fix it. I was just baffled that neopets had this malware, and I didn't think that it could have been from neopets, mainly because I have never had any problems with it from my laptop (which is a mac, by the way).


Well, today I was playing neopets on my computer and I am switching between Safari and Firefox in an attempt to see which one will work faster with my Habitarium and when I was logged in on Firefox, the threats of this fake malware came thorugh on firefox. It was pretending to be an Apple ran file, but I knew it wasn't based on two facts: one that I had just saw something like this a few weeks ago, and two Macs aren't prone to viruses the way that PCs are. So, I just closed Firefox out completely.


Then, about twenty minutes later, while on Safari, the malware came up on it! Again, I closed it out, knowing it was a real virus attempting to act as a fake anti-virus program. I couldn't believe it. I have been playing neopets on my mac since I have gotten it and never had anything like this show up.


Is anyone else experiencing these problems with "fake" anti-virus trying to "protect" you from "malware" and that is what it really is? This is a bit troubling, I don't want them to get ahold of my information, and not just neopets. Viruses get ahold of anything they can and destroy.

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It's not really a major issue - it's just an animated advertisement trying to scare you into downloading actual malware. Ignore it and you'll be fine. :) Or better yet, check out TDN's ad blocking guides to get rid of it.

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I never had this happen. I would get ad block plus for firefox since I do not see ads.



...if you use Chrome, using Chrome AdBlock is very ideal for blocking all sorts of ads.

I never got a malicious ad from Neopets however.


I thank TDN's guide for blocking these ads as well. 0:)

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