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First Kad Feed!


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never knew how. and if it cost lots of money i am never interested


You basically put a bunch of food items in your inventory, and refresh when there's a restock (times can be found on this board.)

and if you have the food in your inventory and one of the kadoaties is asking for it, you click on it and it eats the food and you get a trophy on your User Lookup.


1 feed = Bronze

10 feeds = Silver

25 feeds = Gold

75 feeds = Avatar


There isn't any other reward in terms of NP or items, though.

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I really want to start doing it but I always miss the feeds, even when I'm keeping my eye on the neoboards! :(


It always happens at 20 seconds past the minute, and the number that is given in the board is the minute at which it might occur. It can't possibly occur before then, so you only need to refresh once every seven minutes, max, and you'll catch all of the restocks.


Basically, after each "main" restock (where all or almost all of the kadoaties ask for new foods) there is a 28 minute period in which none of the kadoaties involved will ask for new foods. If they don't restock 28 minutes later, it'll happen some multiple of 7 minutes afterwards.


There was no main restock at 5:59:20 NST, so the next potential one is at 6:06:20 NST.

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I already have the avatar... and I rarely try to feed now since I'm busy with a lot of things. I remember my first feed as if it was yesterday. I was so proud of it :D So congrats :)


Anyone who is looking to start this game should select a theme from Cathy's food list (http://www.neopets.com/~Phil747) and then the easiest thing to do is to pre-type it into your browser search and if kads go hungry, it will highlight the food name it in the page. My themes were tomato and pepper :)

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I actually wanted to get started on this but I never get the restock time.

Probably work on the avatar when I have more time.

Kinda hate it when people go over 75 Kads though :/

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Congrats on feeding one! I would like to start feeding, but I've only been casually glancing at this point. Usually when I look, the only un-fed ones want the Anniversary Negg.

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I've never fed a kadaotie before. I probably should, just for the interesting experience, but I'm much more interested in not bothering myself with another event to try to catch just yet :P

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I've been meaning to start Kad feeding for the avvie but I can't afford the items usually & I keep missing the restock times . . . but someday I will feed at least one Kad!

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It's really not expensive to feed, it just takes patience (and lots of refreshing every 7 minutes). In fact the kads quite often ask for under 10 np items you just have to be there when they do :) Congrats on getting your 1st one! It gets soooo much easier once you get the hang of it.


As far as overfeeders..... I'm not there yet but I'm not sure I'm going to give up kadding once I get the avatar. It really is addicting!

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I still haven't managed to feed my first Kad. :O I've been planning on trying but I've always thought it's too expensive and that I'll miss the restocks, but maybe I'll try it now. :laughingsmiley:

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Congratulations on feeding one!


I want to feed at least one (nifty trophy!) but the whole process is so elaborate with the NeoBoards (can't stand those things!) and the mobs of people trying to feed them... =/


I'm sure I won't be able to get the avatar but I'm hoping someday to feed just one! =)

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