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Decisions, Decisions....


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So, what do you think? Should I paint my Cybunny Speckled or Shadow? Or should I wait and buy Secret Laboratory Map set? The problem is growing price, so I really can't decide. Should I wait for price to go lower or paint Cybunny?


Tell me your opinions! Help me! x_x

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I think Shadow Cybunnies are adorable :)

If you are set on the color you want for your pet, then don't lab them... chances are they would turn into something you dislike pretty fast :(

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I think Shadow Cybunnies are adorable :)

If you are set on the color you want for your pet, then don't lab them... chances are they would turn into something you dislike pretty fast :(

Thank You for your suggestion! :D

I wasn't even planning to zap Cybunny. I would zap the others. :P

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Well I'd still go with the paint goal first :P

Meanwhile, you can always play Key Quest and hope for secret laboratory piece...

I was thinking about same, but I will wait a bit. :P

What?? You can get lab map pieces from Key Quest?? Wow, I didn't know that! I never got one. xD

You can get any peice, or just the "cheap" ones?

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I was thinking about same, but I will wait a bit. :P

What?? You can get lab map pieces from Key Quest?? Wow, I didn't know that! I never got one. xD

You can get any peice, or just the "cheap" ones?



Hum you can get some of the medium ones... 100k and above. :P

Not sure if they rarest ones show up.

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I think you should go for paintbrush for now & that way you can wait for the prices to drop a bit on the map pieces. My vote is also for Shadow :)

Nice thought! But I doubt it that they will drop... Not being pessimistic, but I don't think so because in 2009 they were less than 800k and now they are around 1.3 mil. :S I was sooo close buying one for 800k in that time, and then BAM! Prices have gone into heaven. I was so sad and angry at the same time. I don't know what I was thinking and I somehow spent most of that money on useless items. I'm pretty sure it was some kind of conspiracy against me. <_<



But when I think better, maybe I should buy the Lab Map first. It almost costs as much as Shadow PB. Just 200k more. But I need to get NPs first, then I can think and choose between these two. :P

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