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How much money should/do you carry?


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I try to carry 10,000 neopoints on me so when I have to buy something or pay for a wheel I can afford it. I was wondering if you carry more than I do or less and why.

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I normally carry 0 np on me XD


My first reason is because it makes me feel safe from Np stealing REs, even though the only thing that happens is that it goes to negative. It makes me feel more secure about my np anyways.

My second reason is so that I don't become tempted by buying everything I see on the Trading post/ Auctions. I'm not really a restocker, and don't really bother going to the main shops.

My THIRD (and last) reason is because that I'm trying to reach my goal of at least 1 mill, and it's really easy to see what my progress is without having some random NP hanging out of my pocket. Also, it raises my bank interest, which I collect everyday, and it accumulates pretty well :)

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I try to keep 3k on me just to pick up something I might find cheap(got a plushie for 1200 at the igloo and resold for 11k and got a codestone + 2 dubloon for 2k each just now). Though games can make it spike it usually goes into my bank or stocks as I randomly leave my comp and just want to make the most of my interest if I don't come back to my computer.

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Haha! Well let's just say a lot. I tend to keep more than a hundred thousand to be able to snag some awesome items in the AAA like MPs and DEs (don't get any ideas! They're mine!) DX


I earn like more than 50K per neoday. So roughly 100K or more in 2 days. So far... no luck with my restocking. My stocks are awful right now so... yeah.

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In the morning i save until 15k, then i buy stocks.

After that I have 5000 or lower(because I put in it the bank when it reaches 5000)



I do exactly the same thing! I get 15k for the stocks and then every extra 5k goes to the bank. I like even numbers :P

My bank account never has 101k, for example, it's always 100k or 105k :king:

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I carry around 20-30k for restocks especially when I visit the stamp shop or bookshop ... once I hit 50k I put 30k in the bank ... and so on and so forth ... I also like to play Lever Of Doom and Pawkeet Slots but don't like to spend a lot on them .. so that will stop me from going on and on and on ...

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I try to keep on 10NP on me while I am lurking, doing dailies & such because I feel less likely that I'll lose any to REs (even though as someone else said, it just goes negative)


I do, however, keep a minimum of 500 if I know that I'm looking to buy something. I pull out more if I discover what I'm looking for is over 500, but usually I just play some games to get the rest if its not an urgent or "must snipe to get cheap" item

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I keep 1000 np on hand at all times. This is because I like having just enough for spinning the wheels and impulse items and such, but if I want to buy a more expensive item I have to go through the trouble of withdrawing from the bank, which gives me more time to think about if I should buy it or not.


It's only 1000 because I won't get bothered by the Tax Beast, and the Bug Brothers jump up and steal less than 200 np at the most.

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I don't have any set amount that I make sure to have on hand. I typically buy stocks after I reach 15k, but after that it just accumulates. (Assuming I continue to play more games.) Before I log off I always put all of my np in the bank so I can collect interest on it the next day. Yay interest!

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I withdraw 100k from the bank, and then spend 15k each day on stocks, until I'm at 5k or 10k or whatever, or I sell some of my shares, and then I'd withdraw/deposit until I have 100k. But I don't keep going to 100k everyday.

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I used to not worry what I had on hand and just deposit everything at the end of the day to get the interest the next morning. Then I got hit with the wonderful Tax beast a few times and lost 10-20K each time. I decided to keep less than 10K on hand at all times, unless I'm buying something in particular. I make all my deposits to the bank in 10K or multiples of 10K increments every time my np on hand gets above 10,000 from games, selling stocks, shop till, random events, etc. That's probably also my OCD kicking in, liking round, even numbers lol.

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I usually go about my day with however many neopoints I happen to get from dailies or games.

When I reach a high-ish amount of nps, like 10k or so up, I deposit so I'm not tempted to spend it on anything, and none gets stolen by REs.

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A lot of people seem to do what I do.

I carry 10-15k and every 5k I make goes directly into the bank. I try hard not to withdraw from my bank once it's in there.

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Guest ErikaChristine

I usually never carry more then 10,000 because I'm paranoid. If I'm restocking, then I'll have more on hand but I'm terrified of running into the tax beast or something.

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I used to deposit everything as I got it, then I'd keep 5k out. Now, I keep out all my earnings for the day, and deposit at the end. (Unless I get large around of NP from a sale or something.)


I keep it out because REs will take the NP no matter what, except for the couple that take percentages, and I don't have enough out to make a big difference.


Second, I keep it out because I liked to have NP on hand in case I find things in a shop, I want to have the money.

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In relation to the np stealing REs, I really don't think it's fair to go into the negative. If you get mugged in real life, they can't steal cash if you don't have it on you :P

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I normally carry 0 np on me XD


My first reason is because it makes me feel safe from Np stealing REs, even though the only thing that happens is that it goes to negative. It makes me feel more secure about my np anyways.

My second reason is so that I don't become tempted by buying everything I see on the Trading post/ Auctions. I'm not really a restocker, and don't really bother going to the main shops.

My THIRD (and last) reason is because that I'm trying to reach my goal of at least 1 mill, and it's really easy to see what my progress is without having some random NP hanging out of my pocket. Also, it raises my bank interest, which I collect everyday, and it accumulates pretty well :)

I am also trying to reach my 1 mil goal, Im at 650K-ish where are u at?

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I carry less than a thousand, trying to make my bank an even number.

Going to the bank is easy enough and losing even one thousand neopoints is quite a bit, when I already received the scores of all of the good games 12 hours ago and they won't let me go again. D:

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I usually keep anywhere from 30 to 70k out for... just in case. I shop a lot and have found some great deals and would not have othewise gotten, plus paying for wheels and stocks. before I log off I deposit all of my earnings for the day, to maximize my savings

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Well looking at all the amounts and things they do with it I made a mixture:


Keep 5000 neopoints on you

Do the dailes and games until you have 10,000

Invest 5000 of it into stocks

Then put the rest into the bank

Then get interest and withdraw the 5000 again


I think that is the strategy most people have.

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Guest gabbyrahwr

I carry five thousand. Any time I have more than that, I deposit it into the bank to even it back out to 5k. It's really all I need with the dailies I do. If I need more for something, I'll withdraw it.

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