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if you were a fantasy creature,what would you be?


12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your fav fantasy creature?

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Hi everyone,I would like to ask you a question:which fantasy creature suits you more? i think my fantasy creature would be an art faerie because i love draw,i would like to fly one day and i like all of there magical spells and abilities,so what's yours?


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Personally, I think I'd be a phoenix. The immortality and healing tears and such sounds very appealing (and I may have been affected by Harry Potter a little too much ;))


I would actually chose to be a nine tailed fox (gumiho/kitsune).

Magical abilities, wise, immortal, shape shifters, abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world... loyal yet cunning.

Heh, I remember having to do a research paper for my Asian Mythology class xD


I'd probably be a unicorn.

I don't have much of a reason besides the fact that they're so cool, and they have a horn. Oh yeah, and they puke rainbows...j/k xD


I would actually chose to be a nine tailed fox (gumiho/kitsune).

Magical abilities, wise, immortal, shape shifters, abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world... loyal yet cunning.

Heh, I remember having to do a research paper for my Asian Mythology class xD


ooh i see why,i agree with you the nine tailed fox are very impressive and magnificent creatures. ^_^




Tough question...probably a Succubus, Siren or Medusa as I have quite the temper with men! LOL!!!






An Elemental. :) I think there is nothing purer than the elements. I'd have put pictures of the fire and earth elementals, but the site that did these two, didn't have pictures of them in the female persuasion.

The raw power, the purity. Very alluring.


I'd totally be a dragon xDD An ancient and powerful race beyond all imagining, with cunning and strength like you wouldn't believe. Depending on which stories you listen to, has immensely powerful magic, breathes fire, generally flies, and are just all around awesome.


Plus, they eat gold :P


Tough question...probably a Succubus, Siren or Medusa as I have quite the temper with men! LOL!!!


They're called Gorgons. Medusa was a Gorgon.


I'd probably be an Alicorn, or Kirin sort of thing.


They're called Gorgons. Medusa was a Gorgon.


I'd probably be an Alicorn, or Kirin sort of thing.


I meant I wanted to be THE Medusa. :evil:


I meant I wanted to be THE Medusa. :evil:

*uses a mirror to reflect eyes*

Muhahaha, get yourself turned into stone and become my new statue in my Neohome :D!


I chose other, I'm pretty much my own fantasy creature. I'd like to have some dragon-like traits and powers in my own creature though, along with a tail steeped with poison and fast legs. :P


I chose a Unicorn, just because I've had an obsession with horse-like creatures for most of my life. although, I really love winged unicorns... which is why I'm undertaking a HUGE photo manip project to give life to Skhorne, my future Halloween Uni =)


I'd probably be a unicorn.

I don't have much of a reason besides the fact that they're so cool, and they have a horn. Oh yeah, and they puke rainbows...j/k xD


lol could you imagine if you were just randomly walking and then a unicorn came up to you and puked rainbows on you?

I wouldn't know whether to feel honoured or disgusted :P

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