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Daily Dare Ends Tonight!


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Ugh. I did horribly by you guys standards. I only completed 28/31 challenges, even fewer than that were completed the same day. 24 of those challenges were Abigail, at least 2 of those I could've beaten AAA but I went safe and challenged her instead. (top chop being the first 1,but i had never played the game before and challenged abi before i know, the second was jumping gem heist and i did the same with that. *sigh*) The 3 I couldn't complete were Ultimate Bullseye and when i saw it was a double dare i challenge AAA without remembering that I suck at that game (the closest i got to his score was 58) then there was Trouble at the National Neopian, and I THOUGHT I could do it because in my practice run I got 545 points, never got that high again though. and the last one is Neopian Battlefield Legends. I did not 1 but 2 practice runs of it and on hard mode I got 84670 points so I thought I could do it....nope...keep dying and the 1 time I did get to AAA's score, it wouldn't send. So yea, horrid. But pretty good considering that was the first Daily Dare tournament I had ever done since joining the site ^_^ Here's hoping that next year is better (and has games I'm good at)


<ps>Sorry for the extremely long post

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Here's how I did on this year's Daily Dare:

AAA beaten for 31 out of 31 days

3 out of 4 Staff Tournament guesses correct

9 out of 9 Double Dares completed

4 out of 4 Team Challenges completed


Only prize I missed was the Darigan Poogle Plushie (bought one instead), but I'm still lucky to score the Randomly Firing Freeze Ray. :bike:

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haha what dj skellington said was hilarious! i love how he was singing friday :P the #1 most obnoxious song in the world. i chose frenemies, of course, because of snarkie. ive only beaten aaa 8 times :(

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I got 1/4 in the Staff Tournament. Considering that I had to have surgery during the Daily Dare, I only got 4/9 DD and 3/4 Team Challenges. I got 24/31 AAA, 6 of which I am working on, but alas, the 7th, is the reason I'm getting a medal, not a trophy. :sad02: I was clicking so fast trying to restart on Chia Bomber 2, that I clicked send score for a REALLY low score, and my final score, which was 860+ was not counted. (Sent some scores around midnight NST, not having realized that it had switched over yet. <_< ) After all of my hard work, I won't even get the trophy that I deserve...

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Well, I got into DD way late (as in the last week) and I only attempted the Abigail Challenges (except for the Habitarium). :) I wasn't able to complete all of them, but it was fun to try new games! *will play Hannah and the Kreludor Caves again later*


Congrats to everyone who managed to complete it! ^___^

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30/31 AAA games beat. I'm working on Spinicals now.

7/9 Double Dares Challenges

3/4 Team Challenges

1/4 Staff Tournament. Eh, I got the books, I bought the plushie, and I'm not a big BD'er so I'm ok with that.


Had fun but can't wait for my trophy.

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I missed out on 7 games ):

Snowmuncher: I just couldn't get the score, I needed more practice

Faerie Cloud Racers: My highest score was close to AAA's score but this time I couldn't manage above 300 even

Hannah and Kreludor Caves: I accidentally end the game at 20K and was too lazy to play again cause it lagged so much!

Chia Bomber 2: Didn't have time to try

Nova Defender: I think the score isn't impossible but would need MANY practice

Extreme Herder: Impossible for me.

Goporakko: No time either

Jumpin Gem Heist: Couldn't get score until very end but I challenged Abigail already

I was aiming for gold and left too many games last minute to complete. But I guess I'm still proud that I managed to beat AAA last minute for 6 games. And I did way better than last year! (:

My only regret was for Jumpin Gem. Should have just challanged AAA for all since you could still get Abigail prize in the end.

WORSE GAME: Kou-jong (I spent three nights to get it -.=)



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I was so proud of myself this time around.

31/31 AAA

29/31 first day bonus prizes (didn't get on one day and had to go to bed and try again the next day for Nova Defender)

4/4 Staff tournament correct (I knew it was a good idea to go with the girls! And lawyerbot. I love him.)

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