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What are Faerie Paint Brushes selling for? Have they gone up since the prize shop?


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...is where I go when I have PB cost questions.


Edit: However, looks like they need to update the Faerie PB price.


The TP has Faerie PB for around 2 - 3 mil now. ?

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my friend got one for 800k the other day. i think it depends on where u look


I think it more depends on who you're buying from not really where you look. If someone's newer to the site they might not realise it's value.

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i just bought one yesterday for 780k, so yeah, the prices are definitely still on the low end. i was looking through the tp and apparently there are still hundreds, maybe even a thousand, pbs out there. i'm guessing it'll take a while for the princes to re-inflate. :laughingsmiley:

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i'd laugh at the person who said 3 mil. those are the people that don't pay attention or are trying to scam. rude people

i wouldnt necessarily call it scamming, they state the price they want for it. and i wouldnt exactly call them rude, its not like theyre forcing you to buy it

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I gave up on trying to sell mine for pure. I'm too impatient. I accepted a couple items and about 600K for it. Then I traded the items for the expensive lab map pieces. The prices are too spastic at the moment. You could put it up without a wishlist and see what kind of offers you get. That's what I did. I think between the np and lab pieces I ended up getting for the items they gave with it, I got about 1.5 mil, a 600K profit and then didn't have to shell out for the map pieces.


While I was researching looking for an average price, I saw pages with people asking for 800K all the way up to 3 mill. It's going to take awhile for them to equal out again. Not to mention that a bunch of people may not have collected their plot prizes yet. waiting to see what inflates the most.

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