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Undeserving Winners


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I kind of like it but kind of don't .....


On the up side, the colour selection is pretty and stands out, and the idea of putting their neopets in the banner was actually quite interesting.


On the down side, however, I did find it a little too simple, ...


Personally, I think these ones were much more deserving .....



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Personally I think it was a cute design. Simple, quick to load, conveys the necessary information in a lookup, and was clever in execution. It was also nice to have the lookup and petpage linked in the same place. Yeah, the color scheme wasn't the most eye-pleasing thing, but I think it said something about the user, which is the point of a user lookup!! :P


It's completely devoid of any kind of graphics or coding.


I don't feel that a design is better for having more graphics or code. The best codes, in my opinion, are those that accomplish what they need to with a minimum of code and graphics. (Which is why I hate pages done entirely in Flash, or has a ton of images in it!!) If you can say something in 3 lines of code, why write 10 extra lines? :mellow:

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I was actually on the board where oki announced she submitted the lookeup for spotlight .. and she said she's not expecting to win because it's too simple ... but maybe there were no other contestants that week ... frankly i like how simple it is and the pet navigation is really cool ... i like how she displayed the 4 pets :) but then again i know nothing about coding ...


you will win soon :) don't give up .. i kept submitting my music gallery on a weekly basis for more than 2 yrs before i won ...

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Haha umm, just to clarify, I haven't posted on this board, so each time you said my name, I believe you meant Cornflakes.



Yes I did. I'm so sorry... my only excuse is that I just finished the SDB avatar and my eyes are permanently crossed.

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Total Number of Entries in our Database: 949


It used to be over a few thousands entries XD


Since I have already been spotlight, my best advice to anyone who is trying for it is to aim at a pet day.

I was trying to get the award with an Isca themed lookup for a very long time, and I got tired of waiting and made something for Wocky Day. It surely did work and I'm still using that lookup now XD. My lookup is not super duper unique. I did not customise the stat boxes position or images... (maybe I would have done it now that they allow more space for the code!) But I believe it has a personal feeling to it. The wocky drawing heading down the header image is one, if not the first artwork I did on my tablet. The background pattern works well because it reminds me of fabric, and since I'm a huge fan of plushie wocky... it fits together.


The description that Oki gave for her submission makes a lot of sense to me. She is appropriating a colorscheme from an existing Neopets background. I think that idea is kinda cool... and it reinforces the minimalist aspect of her design.


Making design decisions should not be random... because visual elements convay a message to the viewer. You can think it's underserving if you want... yet you can't deny that it has something to say, as a stand alone artwork.

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I liked it. It was different and it didn't/shouldn't take that long to figure out where the pets are. Perhaps it's been done before, but nearly everything has. And I hate the hidden lookups like the one you posted. So junky to me.

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The only vibe I'm getting from this is one of jealousy/bitterness. Do you get your jollies by taking away from someone's victory? Why else would you write such a mean-spirited topic?


Everyone knows that it's alright to have your own opinion, but to say she's undeserving just because you don't like her style of lookup is ridiculous. Perhaps TNT should leave the judging up to you, seeing as your opinion is the only correct one?

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The only vibe I'm getting from this is one of jealousy/bitterness. Do you get your jollies by taking away from someone's victory? Why else would you write such a mean-spirited topic?


Everyone knows that it's alright to have your own opinion, but to say she's undeserving just because you don't like her style of lookup is ridiculous. Perhaps TNT should leave the judging up to you, seeing as your opinion is the only correct one?


lol, are you the one that made this lookup or something? If you don't like my opinion, then go paste your little comments on another thread, thanks.

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I like it, with others who have won, they over do it and try to fill the page with information/graphics etc. This person done the opposite, they haven't tried to show off by saying "Yeah I can put graphics all over the place" They left it with simplicity.


Like many others things, whatever you're doing (Like I'm doing marbling) You work on your project till it looks good, but you can make something good look terrible just by keep working on it. Put what needs to be there and that's it.


Also Im pretty sure no-one else has done the pets in the header thing either so its original/simple (plus I love the wood background). Easy Win in my opinion.

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I like the bright colors together... I think they could have done something better with the background, though. It's pretty but I don't see why it's any better than a lot of other lookups out there. I can understand why you wouldn't agree with them winning the spotlight.

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The only vibe I'm getting from this is one of jealousy/bitterness. Do you get your jollies by taking away from someone's victory? Why else would you write such a mean-spirited topic?


Everyone knows that it's alright to have your own opinion, but to say she's undeserving just because you don't like her style of lookup is ridiculous. Perhaps TNT should leave the judging up to you, seeing as your opinion is the only correct one?

I very much agree with this. Couldn't have put it better.


Cornflakes: I think you're being petty and childish and a bit whiny. And your reply to Red Wolf was pretty darn rude. I don't know about on here but on the forum I usualy frequent, that kind of response is frowned upon.


I think you need to take a breather. TNT can award the prize to whomever they see fit.

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lol, are you the one that made this lookup or something? If you don't like my opinion, then go paste your little comments on another thread, thanks.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you're only supposed to post in this thread if you 100% agree with your statement. As you can tell, I'm new here and I'm still learning how these forums operate. Would you mind telling me the appropriate place to post my "little comments?" I'll be sure to bookmark. C:
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Guys, everyone has their right to their own opnion and if they want to say how they don't like a contest winner, they're free to do so within reason. Taking potshots at each other over it, however, is not allowed. Topic closed to keep this from boiling over any more.


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