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Leaving Neopets, Free neopoint Giveaway


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Games shouldn't feel like work, and if trimming down your bank account is the best way to inject some fun back into the game, then more power to you! It funny how easy it is to let success at a game be a substitute for a perceived lack of success at real life. I sincerely hope you feel better about your gaming experiences in the future. :)


Oh, and if you want some more help lightening the load, my shop can be found here.

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I can't thank you enough for the negg! Between you and my habitarium I'm going to reach my next goals far quicker than I thought! Then the problem will be deciding which neggs to save up for next... And I'm glad you'll be saving a pet for when neo becomes fun again. It's always fun to come back and feed them back from dying as if nothing ever happened.

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I've been thinking of quitting myself...But I just can't bring myself to do it lol since I'm saving up for so many things. If you've still got more you want to get rid of, I wouldn't say no to a draik transmogrification potion donation :D My shop :)


This is really sweet of you!! :yes:

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This is really kind of you. I've been debating about posting, but I will since I could use a boost towards my goals as well. :) I do hope you return at some point. And we'd still love to have you around here, even if you aren't playing Neopets anymore.


I've placed a Cheap Air Ring in my shop. :)


Thank you so much for sharing and helping all of us out. (And thank you for the generous donation to the ALP)

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I had also been hesitant to post here, since I don't really feel like I have a shortage of neopoints. However, I decided to post nonetheless. Thank you very much for the generous donation. It was amazingly kind of you.

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so let me get this straight..youre just straight giving neopoints away?


if you still have any left, you can always stop by my shop




its people like you who give me hope in this world


hmmm is tnt going to see this and freeze someone out of suspicion? oh well, willing to take the risk

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I can understand where you're coming from...I'm just getting re-addicted after a very long absence. I hope that things go well for you in the real world. :)


If you have any left, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.




Thank you very much.

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I don't want to be greedy but would love to be able to get a Draik or Krawk or even the Mophing Potions to create them I have put my shop link here if you would like to buy something Thank you in advance....Colleen


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  • 5 months later...

Can you buy some of my things from here? Thanks!!!


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