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I just want to see how many NP you all have. dosent have to be exact, like: 786,497 just say 780K. if you have more than 1M than say e.g. 3.5M. be sure to keep a daily or weekly update. As of when this topic was made, i have 200K NP. Enjoy and post away!


I think I'd have to make a yearly update, considering I hardly ever put any effort into "earning" NPs anymore. :laughingsmiley:


As of right now, I have a little over 1m. That's almost broke by today's standards, as far as I know.


I always keep 1 million Neopoints on reserve, any other Neopoints I use are for my chocolate collection and helping others out with Faerie Quests.


My total assets stand at a whopping 9,046 NP. :woot: I'm as wealthy as can be!


Just got to 3mil. But I've recently purchased a second lab map which cost over a mil, and I've spent half a mil in training since Jan. I hate not being able to save NP properly!!!! Get to a certain point and it starts burning a virtual hole in my virtual pocket :(

Plus I keep being tempted to buy more sandwiches for my gallery, and I'm on the reeeeal 'spensive ones now. Gahh!


I'll never get a Draik at this rate!


3.9 mil compared to a lot of people who are saving for draiks and such thats low..but compared to a lot of others its high. i guess it all depends on how long youve been playing


Currently have about 6.7 mil, largely thanks to Habitarium. My wealth goal is to finally make it to 10 mill and the highest bank level. I've never gotten over 8 mil, as my old account was frozen just as I reached 8. Then I'm going to start rebuilding my negg gallery.


I have about 560k, which i'm quite proud of since i'm on a new account xD


Wow, what a coincidence! I have about 560k too, and my account is about the same age as yours! :D


I like your lookup - did you make the picture at the top?


I've got 1 million NP in the bank, just wasted about 60k trying to get a couple of avatars, and got over 330k in my shop till.


Getting NP is easy, and it's easy to waste it, too. xD


I think I'd have to make a yearly update, considering I hardly ever put any effort into "earning" NPs anymore. :laughingsmiley:

That's what I'd have to do too. My NP and stocks total about 3M.


Get to a certain point and it starts burning a virtual hole in my virtual pocket :(


I'll never get a Draik at this rate!


Me too! I just reached 2mil in my bank account for the 2nd time. I can never go too long without spending nps even if it's just a little at a time. All those little times really add up. Someday I'll reach my dream of a Draik.


I have about 900k ^^"

Im not a restocker (to slow.... ) And I'm not good at games so it take me ages to get to some nps and then when I have them... *sigh* xD"


760K XD How cool is that! Only a little more to go for the Draik Egg! I used up some on weapons for the plot, some training and some PBs... I can probably sell off some of my stuff... nah... But my FFQ will cost me 800K DX


I have almost 4.5mil in the bank, Which is... Quite poor in my own opinion :(

I used to have More, But I decided I wanted to paint my gelert on my side account Desert!

I don't mind though, She is gorgeous now!

I'd love to Cross-Paint her white, But I'd like to reach my goal of an Ultimate Riches! Bank account first. :3

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