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My school had a shooting today


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Sigh...I had just said last week that I am so tired of the crime at my school.

For example, last week a guy in my class bought pot from a girl in my class...right in front of everyone.

And that's just a minor incident. Every week we have some violent crime occurring.


Today was just like any other day. I was sitting in a dining hall a couple of buildings away from BAS, the building that the shooting occurred in.


Then suddenly I receive a txt saying that there had been a shooting, and that no one should leave their current building!


Some classmates and I sat together and I watched the news updates from my iPod. About an hour later, they finally caught the guy and we were allowed to leave.


But wow, what a tense hour! At first we didn't know if it was some crazy guy on a rampage. It was scary.


So now I can say I've been through a school shooting. Though the injury was minor and they apprehended the shooter and no one else was injured, this incident has affected me deeply. So naturally I had to come here and talk about it.


Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day.

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Holy crap are you serious? Are you okay? That has to be traumatizing.


0_o. I can't even begin to IMAGINE that happening at my school.


...yes I'm serious.


Some people didn't seem affected by it at all. I, on the other hand, have been a basketcase. Needless to say, my Valentine's Day was ruined. :wub_anim:

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Oh man. You seem to be going through all this bad crap recently.


I don't understand how someone could go through that and not be affected at all...and yeah, I can see how that could ruin the atmosphere. :(

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*huggles back* Sounds tough. Do they have any sort of counseling available? Or does this stuff happen so often where it's not really a big deal?


PS. Gotta love those lurkers right? Pokes lurker. Hi. :)

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Oh gosh! That's terrible. Sorry you and your school mates had to go through that.


The people who seem unaffected, they're probably masking it. Plus, despite it being a University, it's a bit weird that they'd allow classes to finish? :eh: Hopefully they provide some sort of counselling because it is quite a traumatic event.


Moreover, why the heck to people do their "business" at SCHOOL? There should be a communal facepalm station for those noobs.

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Our class at 12:40 was sort of cancelled. We went anyway, we were 20 mins late. The teacher was there alone, sitting in the dark. She said class was cancelled today so I just went home.


I think everyone in the BAS got their classes cancelled. Last I heard they were still looking for the gun. And probably some clean-up to be done, I assume.

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I don't think they so much let classes finish as told people not to leave the classes they were in as a precautionary measure from producing mass panic and easy targets.


Glad you are okay and that definitely is a downer on valentine's day.


We had a bit of a similar situation at my college a couple years ago. There was a gunman that had shot at the police running around/hiding on campus and there was no emergency text service yet so I was about to walk out the door when some girl is like 'you can't go to class. The police are searching for a gunman. Seriously, go check CNN' Never really thought I'd hear those words seriously in a sentence. So at least you get the text message before you were outside.


Also, people react very differently to different stuff. Like, escaped gunman didn't really bother me but asking me to get into a crowded subway car is traumatic to me. :rolleyes_anim:

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I remember my first day of junior high. New school and all that. First thing, I walk in, and metal detectors that we had to go through everyday.... There were fights all the time and once I even found a mechanical pencil that had been made into a weapon (instead of lead, a shape point/knife came out -- nice huh). I was pretty freaked out (especially considering I was 12), but fortunately we never had anything as serious as a shooting; probably thanks to those metal detectors. But lots of drugs other stuff going on. Scary.


I know where you're coming from and sorry you had to go through that! :(

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The teacher was there alone, sitting in the dark. She said class was cancelled today so I just went home.


I think everyone in the BAS got their classes cancelled. Last I heard they were still looking for the gun. And probably some clean-up to be done, I assume.



I don't think they so much let classes finish as told people not to leave the classes they were in as a precautionary measure from producing mass panic and easy targets.


That's good that you went home and didn't have to stay the rest of the day. It would have been so hard to concentrate.


I must have misinterpreted the article when they said classes resumed after they found the gun. When I read that I was like... WHAT? :laughingsmiley:

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That's insane. We had a couple false alarms in high school. That was bad enough, but I can't imagine the real thing. Good to know you're ok. The sad thing is, many of these types of situations could be avoided if people were a little kinder to one another. All our love goes out to you and your classmates :wub_anim:

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That is really scary! oÒ

I'm glad you're ok ^^


At my last school we never even had a fight oO"

But I knew several people who did deal with pot, coke, mdma, lsd and so on.


On our class photo there where 23 people.

2 were drunk, 3 were high and one was on coce he did graduate with a diploma.

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That is definitely traumatic. I'm glad you're okay and there were no serious injuries.


Shootings are a huge deal and affect a lot of people, and that's not just for the people at the school. We had the Columbine HS shooting here in Colorado, when I was in middle school. (I think it was in 1999.) It happened about 60 miles from me, and it freaked out everyone, even in my city. My sister's HS started having bomb threats, they started adding extra security, metal detectors, etc.


A few years later, we had an incident with someone running around a local college (about 5 minutes from my house.) with a gun. I don't think anyone actually got hurt though.

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Today it was hardly mentioned, with the exception of some jokes made in very bad taste during my last class of the day.


Thanks for the concern and the love. :)


I wish there was another university to go to. We moved to this city just to be closer to MTSU, so we're like, stuck. -_-

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Oh, darling. I am so, so sorry that you have had to deal with all this awful stuff in such a short period of time. I'm also sorry that I did not see this earlier. But you know you are always in my thoughts. I hope this streak of negative events ends for you, very, very soon.


You know you can contact me at any time :)



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I'm glad you're okay! :O That would be beyond terrifying. I can't believe there aren't more people who are shaken up like you. I'd be hiding in my closet for at least a week. o_O


Thanks :)


and I know, right? I was pretty shaken for a couple of days, but it's better now. The whole incident was so utterly stupid. A guy got into an argument with another guy and pulled out a gun that witnesses described as looking like a pitiful toy gun. He managed to shoot the other guy in the tip of his thumb, and then ran off into a building. He took off his shirt and two bags of marijuana and stashed them. Then when the police evacuated the building, eyewitnesses identified the perp.


What a completely moronic criminal. I urged admissions to raise their standards. Sigh

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  • 3 months later...

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about that... I'm a student at the University of North Carolina (Go Heels!) and during this semester we've had a non-student get into one of the dorms and hold some students at gun point while he robbed their rooms... Mostly there's a lot of drug charges going on, though that's somewhat to be expected in so large a school... Last year a student was nearly kidnapped while she was jogging just outside campus but a couple men saw her being hassled and they stopped the guy trying to kidnap her, though one of them got hit by a car!


All in all, crime is pretty much bad wherever there's a high population density of young people... But I'm glad you're okay and I hope things get better!


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