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Lookup & Pet Page Coding Update!


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After last weeks coding fiasco, TNT stated in the Editorial that textareas and other features would be returning. Of course, this left designers wondering when that would happen. Today is the day!



Good news for coders! The maximum character length for User Lookups is now 5,000 characters (not 4,000 as they were previously)!


Also, <textarea> tags as well as the 'display' and 'margin' CSS attributes have been added back onto Pet Pages and User Lookups! Hooray!

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After fixing my petpage (text_area won't work anymore, so I had to do a quick find & replace)... I encountered another problem. After applying the changes to my page, some of the code remains code on the 'edit your petpage' page, but some is also rendered (ie I can see the buttons of my affiliates and everything else down the page rather than the code to display it).

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Its always done that when you used <textarea> instead of the Neo-friendly version they had before <text_area>. But they seem to have forgotten to reactive the friendly version LOL



Yes... it seems like they deserve a friendly bug report.

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I think I just peed my pants! Yippie!!! :D


Hahaha, you crack me up!


I'm very excited about the increased character number in profiles~

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