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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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....and he changes into a Blue Jetsam!!




*cries* I don't like Jetsam's!!!! Oh well... have to keep trying to get something different now - guess the good thing is that he's now got the avvie..


Just remember that your jetsam provides 2 other avvies to your collection :)


Pet: Went back down to level 1...


Its ok, I guess.

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... and he changes colour to Chocolate!!


That was completely unexpected. First she was a blue Xweetok, then red Meerca, turned orange, and now chocolate. I really hate Meercas but I don't mind as much now.


Time for me to trade out the pet for a pet from one of my side accounts that are still basic colors.

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The ray is fired at WhySoSerious8D...



... and he changes into a Red JubJub!!


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Pwned by the Lab' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Well, that was quick. XD And it was only my fifth zap ever, too!

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Guest Autumnheart

Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at Autumnasia_...


... and she changes colour to Speckled!!


:D I haven't had a color change in a looong time! She looks cute!

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