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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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So much closer! Only peices 2, 6, 8 and 9 too go! I need to get more NP and I have it!!!! Just need to find out how much they are *muses*


I so can't wait to post my results here!

TDN could have a place where you can put your resultes and then it will generate a spiffy page!


The ray is fired at locindia...


... and she changes gender!!!!






Tumbles shall now be known as Tumbles. How nice.


Is that possible?


:( I want lab map!!! -feels sad because I don't have the full map yet- The REs haven't been that genorous today with lab maps, only ever found petpet ones. :(


I HAVE THE LAB MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First zap...

The ray is fired at _bella_and_edward...

... and she gains 3 movement points!!!!


Congratulations Milli!


Pet:The ray is fired at locindia...

... and he gains 5 maximum hit points!!!!


Petpet:Snarkie shall now be known as Frankie. How nice.



Hey everyone ^_^ ,


I've started collecting the lab map, I only have two pieces so far.

But I've heard it'll cost approximately 400, 000 NP to get all 9 pieces, so I was wondering if it's really worth it to fork out so much NPs for the map? :mellow:


Lab~ Bella went back too level one :(


Petpet~ Nothing :(


What a great zap XD


The ray is fired at Pet_Ology... ... and he loses two levels :(


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...

Pooper shall now be known as Petpet of DOOM. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.


OMG I JUST bought a Kookith, attaching it to my strawberry kiko hoping the petpet lab ray will turn it into a strawberry kookith. So I just zapped the kookith and look! The first time I get a specie/color change from the petpet lab! But sadly, not what I wanted..I don't really like Snorkles :(


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...




Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.


You should come back tomorrow and try again!

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