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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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The ray is fired at JimiJimiJimi42...

... and she loses 3 movement points!!!!



Nothing happens.


The ray is fired at Snowanson...

... and he changes into a Blue Acara!!


Blargh. Time to get a new labbie!


Petpet: Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Fritz for you and you head home.


... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!! That makes 77/77 now.

By the time I'm done zapping her, her stats will be messed up to a point of no return. '_'


The ray is fired at Rawrmmmz...

... and she gains 3 strength points!!!!




The ray is fired at Timze...

... and she gains 2 maximum hit points!!!!


The ray is fired at Oulauglek...

... and he gains 2 strength points!!!!


The ray is fired at pheonix_1225...

... and he changes colour to Silver!!


Nice, but I'm still zapping it.


My Acara turned silver... though, I'm hoping she changes species soon. For some reason, I just don't find them cute.


Nothing happened to my petpet, but I'm pretty lucky with the petpets I have now, a Harris and Hasee.


The ray is fired at uncolie2... and he gains 2 defence points!!!! Come onnn turn back into a girl!


Nothing looks different about Fritz but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2


LoL who would have thought a pile of soot could reach level 2? :laughingsmiley:


The lab ray turned Feolene into a boy. Le sigh. Somehow the name doesn't feel masculine to me.


The ray is fired at JimiJimiJimi42...

... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!



Nothing looks different about Lazpip but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2


Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.


The ray is fired at Stinky_Spike...




... and she gains 5 maximum hit points!!!!


Yesss! This is what I wanted. I need more Hp for my pet.


Petpet ray: Yay! A Tyrannian Apis. apis_tyrannian.gif Cute, shame that the pet he's attached to is being traded in July. :P (Then why do I bother zapping? *shrug*)

Lab ray: Feolene gains 3 hitpoints.


The ray is fired at Perseverea...


... and she loses 3 strength points :(



But... nothing happens.


Petpet: Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Fritz for you and you head home.


The ray is fired at Arydias...

... and she doesn't change at all :(


Nothing looks different about Your Ad Here but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 5


I haven't zapped yet today, but yesterday:


My formerly Red Nimmo was zapped into a Yellow Kiko.


Petpet: Increased to level 5.


The ray is fired at uncolie2... and he gains 3 defence points!!!! Man. This guy is going to be serious BD material if this keeps up!


The ray has already been fired...




Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.



Nothing looks different about baby but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 1 aww


The ray is fired at Arydias...

... and she gains 3 maximum hit points!!!!


Your Ad Here shall now be known as Pooper. How nice.

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