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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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Pet: +3 Movement Points

Petpet: Name Changed to Schnukums.


Nothing terribly exciting today it seems.

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Pet: Changes Gender (I've had a lot of these lately)

Petpet: Name change to Pooper <_<

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My tyrannian lupe got changed to checkered. Not sure if I find that as an improvement or not... I have no real ties to either tyrannian or checkered colors, though I guess the tyrannian color did look tougher.

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Pet: +5 maximum hit points

Petpet: Nothing happens


It's actually been a while since my last hit point gain, which is surprising considering how much of them I used to get.

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My pet change gender today.


Out of topic: Yay this is my 100th post.

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Pet: +3 maximum hit points

Petpet: Turned to soot (it already was soot)

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Pet: -2 levels

Petpet: Decreased a level


Not a good lab day :(

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Pet: +3 defence points

Petpet: Nothing happens


I missed yesterday's zap, but today's was pretty good (my pet needs more defence) :D

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