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i think they just want to know why this happened. if you haggle incorrectly (saying x number of np when you have have z number of np (saying a higher amount that you have)) it kicks you out. you can come back and retry for the item right away if you go back to the shop main page. if you do it too many times its probably like being banned for rsing. hope that helps :D

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Y... yes. If you haggle a ridiculously low amount repeatedly, they'll get mad at you and kick you out. Wouldn't you be angry if someone kept offering you a really low amount on something you were trying to sell?

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NO,NO,NO,and NO.My.....its hard to explain,go to a neopian shop and enter 1np,then keep clicking on the pet.you will see what I mean. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: P.S.i said HAGGLING! :grrr:

I don't frequent the shops very much, and I don't recognize the shop keepers off hand.

Chill, man :P

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