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I have been trying to get the Brain Tree as a Battledome challenger by doing one of his quests.


So I head over to the Esophagor. His first request is usually fine - not a huge amount of np required.


Then I go back for his second quest, and he's been asking for unbuyables! Yesterday he asked for Eliv Thade Chips that I managed to find ONE of on the TP for 150K! Needless to say, Esophagor didn't get his Eliv Thade Chips yesterday!


Today he asked for a Candy Corn Stuffed Pumpkin. It's buyable, but just barely!


Sigh!! Are these requests normal? Does the Esophagor usually ask for such exorbitant foods? Should I just suck it up and give into his ridiculous demands because they're not going to get any better?

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The same thing happened to me as well - I was doing a Brain Tree quest, and when I got the second task from the Esophagor, he demanded a Holiday Eye Candy, which is borderline unbuyable.


I think he is like that when you're doing a Brain Tree quest - before my hiatus from Neopets, I recall doing a couple of these quests and every time, the second one was ridiculously expensive, and that's the main reason why I've given up these quests.

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I find it's pretty random. Sometimes, he asks for some pretty expensive/unreasonable items. And sometimes, I will visit Esophagor, and he'll ask for items worth less than 100 NP for three or four quests in a row.


I would suggest waiting for a cheap two visits. You might make a couple thousand NP from finishing a Brain Tree quest, so I don't recommend spending more than 5,000 NP on it. It's better to be patient and keep trying. If Esophagor has an expensive appetite, let him starve and come back again later. It might take a few days to actually get an affordable Brain Tree quest, but I can't see any reason to rush right now.

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