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That's what is happening here. I guess if it isn't just me then they are doing some work on it.


Thanks for the reply, at least I know it isn't just me now!


Nope the first page came up, clicked start game button and then it went into a very slow white circle...that never seemed to end...


I think it's glitched...


Sometimes they need to do maintenance on the game... like if they plan on adding mini-games or new board. It might be why it doesn't work :)


Sometimes they need to do maintenance on the game... like if they plan on adding mini-games or new board. It might be why it doesn't work :)


That's what my theory was - but you'd think they'd be nice enough to put a nice "maintenance" message up here so people don't panic about it not working.


Today was my first time playing KeyQuest (I had misunderstood and thought you were required to buy the nice tokens from the NC Mall, and realized today that I was wrong) so I'm quite inexperienced in the whole downtime aspect of it :D I thought I'd broken it somehow. o.o

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