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ATTENTION FAMILY AND FRIENDS - READ THIS AND THEN RE-COPY IT TO YOUR OWN STATUS ...TO GET THE WORD OUT: If you get a notification that says a friend reported you to Facebook for being offensive or in violation of terms of service, do NOT click it. It's a virus. Please post this on your own site for your friends - take care its a strong virus!!!!!!!!!


Obviously a warning to my facebook friends about yet ANOTHER virus running through facebook. -_- Stupid faceboook....

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I was searching these things up due to them being retired...

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Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Snuggie Falls Off And I Mess Up The Pecans I Was Cutting Using My Slapchop And I Go To Pick Them Up With My Shamwow But I Fall Over And Get Knocked Out By My Ab X :laughingsmiley:

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The Snowager awakes, looks straight at you... then moans and goes back to sleep. You were lucky!

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