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Secret Santa!


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Yay! I'm excited! Group A all the way. I love presents, both giving and receiving. ^_^ I would like something for my negg gallery but neggs can get pretty pricey, so feel free to surprise me. I'll like anything that looks pretty, especially if it sparkles!

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This sounds fun! My wishlist would probably include some sort of nice wearable for one of my pets/ a nice battledome weapon for dirty74/ codestones for training. I'm so excited!

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This sounds really cool! Unfortunatly I don't have much np right now since I just blew it on a transmog potion -_-


Either way. Sign me up for group A please!


I don't really know what I want....maybe some cheap stamps or cards to add to my collections? (quantity over quality!) :P If not then anything is good really :P

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Just sent you a PM. :)

I'm in Group B, guys, here's hoping I can find someone a nice present!


I like surprises. And cute things. Cute surprises. ;p

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Umm.... Group B I suppose. This sounds like fun!


Oh, and I would like a NeoDeck card I don't have or something with the word "strawberry" or "bread" in the name that I can feed Kadoaties.

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I just realized. I haven't sent you a PM. And my name's on the list...I still send the PM right? o.0 :S

Yes. A PM would be useful. I just put you up already because you put what group, but could you still send me a PM?

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I CAN'T SEND THE PM!! AHHH *dies of frustration*


This was my message:


TDN name: Kuroida

Name we should call you by: Kur or Kuro would be fine

Which Group you're going to go in: Group A

What days in December you WON'T be here on TDN: I can probably pop in for a few secs every day if I need to

Are you over thirteen? : Yes

What's your Neopets username? : Kuroida


SOMETHING is being censored and I don't know what! >.<


*edit: OK. Now I can't send it because it says you don't have parental permission to play the site o.0

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SOMETHING is being censored and I don't know what! >.<


*edit: OK. Now I can't send it because it says you don't have parental permission to play the site o.0


Just send him the PM via TDN. That's what I did.


And it says that because he's under 13, so he can't recieve Neomail.

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Did everyone fail to notice that we had an odd number in group B before closing the entry time? lol.


To fix this I am joining group B as well as group A. I have more than enough cash to do so, and then we don't have to wait for another entry. You will be mailed your names shortly. Sorry for the delay.

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Did everyone fail to notice that we had an odd number in group B before closing the entry time? lol.


To fix this I am joining group B as well as group A. I have more than enough cash to do so, and then we don't have to wait for another entry. You will be mailed your names shortly. Sorry for the delay.

What? That doesn't matter! I gave each person a random one, not a pair.

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*sniffles* I'm sorry, I forgot what day it was (have been withdrawn from the world studying for finals) and I sent my gifts already.


I misunderstood and thought because I was assigned my secret recipient, that it was time to send gifts, and I should have read this thread first.


I'm sorry if I ruined everything :(

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You can give your gifts any time you want. Especially since people *coughme* feel like it's better to get it over with than wait a few weeks and totally forget about it. And there's also the "I might not be here during the break" factor.


I figure it's better to give an early present than a late one :P

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