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Welcome to December!


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TDN welcomes you to the month of December!


Links: Home | Battlepedia | Customization | NeoAvatars | Forums


This month, we have these events:

  • Advent Calendar begins on December 1st
  • Bruce Day on December 5th
  • Wocky Day on December 12th
  • Borovan Day on December 20th
  • Day of Giving on December 25th
  • Neopian New Year on December 31st/ January 1st

Other things to do: Dailies | Monthly Freebies | Faerie Crossword | Pet Transfers | The Faeries' Ruin



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Happy December everyone! I'm really looking forward to the whole month of Advent Calendar. And snow. I'm really looking forward to the snow! Which reminds me: I need to customize my pets for winter...


Here's what I got for freebies:

Infested Peach

Slime Sundae

Lice Rice

Breakfast Croissant

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Feels like yesterday, a thread called 'Welcome to November' was posted! D:


Freebies I got:

Strawberry Milkshake, Toe Nail Soup[EW.], Cheese & Forest Fruit Baby Food


I missed a few days on the advent last year, ]: Going to get them all this year [;

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I love you December! Welcome back!


Today I used my newly freed-up transfer and got my dreamie Paelioh :D


Then I went over to the Advent Calendar and FINALLY got the plastic fir av...


Then I got my freebies - Lemon Sprinkle Doughnut, Deviled Steak, Mynci Meat Pie, and Asparagus and Yogurt Pizza. Om nom nom.


Only 24 more days til Christmas! *jumping up and down*

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I think December is my favorite Neomonth. This year is gonna be fun with the plot (hopefully) going on along with the Advent stuff. And, I'm gonna get my last concert avvy this month... I swear! No more missing Jub Zambra!

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Yaaaaay December! :D The time of joy and spending time with the people you care about ;)




2000 neopoints

Chocolate Milk


... I've only got one neopet :P

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Does anything happen on Borovan Day? Or is it just a normal day with a pretty label? :D

Brrrr snow finally came too :( BUT that means I can throw snowballs at my friends *lol*

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Last year I remembered the advent calendar click every day. This year is sure to be the same with the link added to the dailies page. If it was there last year, I probably hadn't yet gotten myself into the habit of the dailies page.

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