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So I zapped UptonSnodsbury, and zapped him, and zapped him...for two years.


Then, the other day, he suddenly turned into a Chocolate Xweetok!


Not that I like Chocolate pets or anything...I think they're weird. But I know that a lot of people are looking for a Chocolate pet. I usually never trade pets (I think it's shady, pets are supposed to be loved and spoiled and not to be used for leverage) but I decided anyway to post around a little on the neoboards and see if anyone had any of my dreamies for trade.


So I worked out a deal with someone -- I'm getting a WN Garlic Jubjub AND one of my other dreamies, a Tyrannian Uni. Custom!


Yay! I'm so happy! Tell me about your successful trades. :) (item trades count too)


Wow congrats! I've never understood the need for WN pets, to me a pet is a pet, and I agree although they are virtual they should be taken care of as a real pet LOL. I did however get a FFQ and I LOVE zombies and have always wanted a Baby cybunny and I met a lovely Neopian who had a zombie peophin and a baby cybunny. She traded them to me and I, in exchange, made her dream pets for her. Which I don't even remember what they were now. I love my pets very much :) Andddd I didn't have to pound an existing pet. I made them for her. WIN WIN.


Congrats on your trade :)


I'm not very fond of trading pets myself .. I can't part with any of mine ... even though I have some "dreamies" but I believe that I can get them by hard work ...


The only trade I did was when I got an FFQ and posted on the board looking for the item. A girl (a really young one assuming by her way of typing and communication - also English is not her first language) neo-mailed me asking if I would create her dream pet (a plushie Kacheek) in exchange for her Alien Aisha. I was really hesitant at first because I really wanted a Halloween Uni ... but she was persistent and she reallyyyyy realllllllly wanted a Plushie Kacheek, so I agreed and created the Plushie Kacheek with the name she wanted ... and I traded her for the Alien Aisha. I am quite happy with my Alien Aisha - and I finally got my Halloween Uni a few days ago by winning a Halloween PB on "Test Your Strength" :) yes .. I do believe in Karma even if it took a while ....




Well done on your trade!


I can't say I've had a good trade as I'm not good at them, tend to stay away from them and am far too attached to my pets to even bother to get a labray! The best I managed was when I won a grey paintbrush from the neopian times and auctioned it as I'm not keen on that colour. I did however manage to paint my Uni fire, my Shoyru camaflague, and my Lupe Royal - two of which were my dream colours for my pets (royal lupe and fire uni)...


I counted that as a fantastic deal - three pets painted for one free paintbrush...I also got a couple of avatars out of it by using the royal paintbrish as collat so I was even more chuffed!


Now all I need is enough in savings to paint my Kougra Faerie! I'll get there one of these days!


I know right, but apparently the girl I'm trading with (who is very nice, btw) REALLY loves Chocolate Xweetoks. And besides, have you any idea how many flippin zaps it took to get that thing to turn into a Chocolate Xweetok?!? LOL! I've been zapping him for 2 years! I think I earned a couple of pets :P


Here is my new Garlic Jub - http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Frixilate *scratches chin and says 'goochie goochie goo'* isn't she adorable :D


And here is my soon-to-be Tyrannian Uni - http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Paelioh




Aw that is a very nice trade! Especially since you helped someone else get a dreamie and ended up with yours.


I'm not sure who had a 2 for 1 deal... if you were referring to me I must not have been clear. I traded two pets. I had a paint brush that they wanted one of their pets to be so I did a double trade for them. I think... I don't even remember now! HAHAHA.


I was able to get one good zap and was able to let someone adopt it. It turned my blue uni into a Tyranian Elephante or something and I was able to give it to someone as her dreamie. It made me feel all fuzzy inside!!


Yep - I've had 2 people from this forum just magically appear and say "I heard so-and-so is one of your dreamies...well here ya go!"


This is how I got my darlings Cujo_08 (Darigan Grundo) and Herisy (Mutant Lenny). I will never ever give them up for nothing, not even a Krawk!


People here rock.


There is also the "Adoption and Trading Center" thread, where I adopted my beloved Sharkbait202 (Pink Grundo).


So yeah, getting your dreamie is awesome. So is giving a dreamie. I've done both, so I can relate. :)


when I told my best neofriend about giving that little girl her dreamie .. she told me "you and your heart are going to Heaven" .. it is a very very nice feeling really ...


I have also given away 3 Hissis : one to a friend and the other two a friend and her daughter ... and some random nice person gave me a Jetsam once ... (I still have it - planning to paint him Maraquan)

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