Wembly Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 :grrr: So that is exactly how I am feeling right now. I have spent hours trying to get this barrier group part to work. I have officially only been with a group that was able to complete it once and I am getting really frustrated. I know it can be tricky but come on people, really? 26 rounds and we still couldn't get it done?!?! I ran out of shields it was taking so long! Anyone else extremely frustrated by the inability of teammates to get the job done? Because I sure am. Has anyone completed more than one or two tasks? If so, how many and how long did it take you? Also, someone just shielding let me get stunned 6 turns in a row. And in case you were wondering, you cannot quite out of the group...
jmccbh Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I'm not so much frustrated with my group as it is my computer. Everytime another round starts it goes back to this one group I worked with a while ago, and it shows steps with people that aren't happening and the neopet in my corner isn't even mine, but whichever one did my step during the time I was in that group. :S I have to click confirm then re-do for the actual group, and sometimes I can't complete things cause that person was stunned in the no longer existent group so I can't click confirm and get the puzzle for the current group. It doesn't make sense. I'm gonna clear my cookies. Has this happened to anyone else, if you even know what I'm talking about? But also yeah, after a few rounds I figured out how to do things, but either I'm always with people who are new at it or didn't bother to figure things out themself. I haven't completed a single task.
d.Lia Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 My computer's lagging like nobody's business! :( That usually means I can't do anything on the first round and I'll get some timeout error thing. I've also finally completed one entire round of this (I was stabilising). Forgot how many rounds that took, but the one doing guidance was really fast. :O I think this would have been better if we could choose Neopians to do the task with. Meh. EDIT: Oh now you can choose your own group! :) Also, I've finished Containment. YES!
Moon Otter Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 If it's not getting "timed out" or having a "data" error it's getting zapped over and over again. I've done suppression and succeeded...once... it's not that hard!... Containment is harder but even then I've mastered that only to have someone on guidance take us to 103m when we started at 100m....how does that happen? O.O
Balance Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 Just...wow. I was on suppression with my last group. I didn't let anyone get zapped--but then, I didn't have much chance to. The rest of the group managed to blow us up in 3 turns, without moving the core at all. I suspect that's the worst fail possible in this puzzle.
jmccbh Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I'm trying to get the jack of all trades deed or whatever and right now I'm doing guidance, which I keep getting better at despite my computer torturing me at times and making me want to throw it out the window. However the past few times I've had barely any chance to get us anywhere. I swear the people doing containment just click join then leave the computer, cause it keeps lasting 2 rounds then we're done and my patience is really dying. Maybe if we had success rate smilies like in KeyQuest for reliability, then got to choose people to do it with. Containment really isn't *that* hard, and if you find it so you should look at a guide or do something else. Why do I keep getting stuck with these people... :axehead:
flyingeevee Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I only completed the Containment and Stabilization jobs. Those two alone took more than 30 rounds v.v I tried doing the Suppression job and for some reason that one is taking longer! I did the harder jobs and we managed to get them done but when I do the easier jobs, we keep failing D: I decided to quit for today and just play some gamecube game xD
Moon Otter Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 It only took me like 4 hours to get Jack of All Stations but I did get it. Now today, I thought even though I got everything finished that I needed for plot points I would go back and help people. I'm really good at the stations, it's not that hard after reading the help guides... it's actually easy. However, why is it that I'm the player getting specifically zapped every other round? Is it because they didn't want me in their specific group? I mean, come on I'm here to help and I STILL managed to keep it stabilized despite getting the zap every other turn.
Yozora Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 Yeah right now I'm still trying for container and I managed to get a handle on it. but these people suck at either guiding or suppressing. x_x
arliona Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I thought I had Jack of all stations, but something must have glitched at the last minute because I don't :crying: I've been trying to re-do the containing step for ages now!
Secre Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I've now got 3/4 - stabilise, suppress and guide...just need to get the courage to go for contain! It was however a pain in the backside to get stabilise as if I wasn't getting stunned we were being blown up by the container...and on the one occasion I had an excellent team the guide was so bad that we got to over 25 turns and the suppressor (unsurpisingly) started to lose it. It took me over 6 hours to get the first one on stabilising... It's taken much less time since...
Spritzie Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I got Stabilize easily. (Well, I figured it out easily, but it took awhile to not have things blow up.) But after I tried a couple of the others, now I see how hard it was. I'm scared to try the other 3 unless I'm playing along side some friends here that won't get annoyed when I mess it up. :laughingsmiley:
arliona Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 Finally! I am never reinforcing the barrier again, even if I'm sure there's a hidden cap for it in the plot points!
Secre Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I have now proved that I can do all of them...it's just the not getting stunned for 4 turns in a row on the 8th turn onwards that might help a little. Growls at crud suppressors, as I found that to be the easiest job of all...Only got the containment to do...now, if only I could find a decent suppressor...! EDIT: Talking of suppressors - the one I've just had has stunned me 5 times in a row...and stunned everyone including herself 4 times in a row...we died after 9 turns!
Spritzie Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 I'm having trouble with the Guiding. I'm slowing improving, but I feel bad for the other people.
RaindropsInDb Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 Fifth game in a row I've gotten a bad stabilizer who makes it impossible to block all the spikes. BLAH.
Sar_Rah Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 I thought I'd completed all four but didn't get the achievement so gotta join random groups to try and do them all again. I think I'm getting the hang of all the roles but have been trying an hour and keep getting zapped like 5 times in a row everytime then having the thing blow up on us. Can't find a decent group it's really frustrating! :(
Balance Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 Forty rounds. A random group I joined held it together for 40 rounds, and the guide still couldn't get it to the end. We got to within 6 meters at one point, and then just started drifting away. It was back up to about 30 meters when we finally collapsed. The good news is that after some runs with a group that formed here, plus one with a good PUG, I'm done with the deed, and I don't have to mess with it any more.
Emily Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 Hate hate hate group steps in plots. If I'm good at the tasks, I get annoyed with my team. If I suck, i feel so bad for holding them back. This step is driving me crazy
Mireia Posted November 22, 2010 Posted November 22, 2010 I met some good people on the boards to make a group. Yesterday we met four and keep on going until we had the JoaS deed. But now that I'm playing to help and get more points (just in case they give plot points for completing this) it's awful! I'm doing the container part (pretty well if my computer don't fail) and I've found two guides who finished at 108m???? What the... I mean, how? there are plenty of guides, very helpful, how can you do that bad! Same for the supression... Sigh... It's so frustrating to keep the core contained for 25 rounds and see that you are still at 100m :crying: Edit: 24 rounds containing and still not getting to the barrier, and someone asks why I was leaving...
shinystarters Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 oh my god! a guy/girl who was blocking the energy spikes got him/herself hit first turn, all three of the others hit the second (but not her/himself) and then got the stabilizer and container hit the third!! GRRRR. And just when i got 3 13 fts in a row!! >>>>>:[ And to top it all, my computer was lagging yesterday, and i had to close it in the middle of a battledome battle (since my time was up and my little sister was screaming in my ear that it was her turn to play). Today, when i try to withdraw, it wont let me, so i cant battle. EDIT: i cant believe it another spike blocker just got us all paralyzed for 3 turns >>:[
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