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An idea, wearable flags from all Countries


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TNT have always said Neopia is a completely separate world to Earth - they don't want things like that, especially if they might cause conflict. There was in the old-days items like Big Mac, etc, from sponsors but those have been replaced with Neo-related items now. I really don't think they will do country's flags.


Neopian land flags might be neat though... Mystery Island, Faerieland, etc. Not the Altador Cup logo ones but proper flags!

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I think that has the potential of being pretty cool, but there are so many conflicts between countries that I don't think they would ever do that. Not with the possibility of people arguing over who's country is better. As said before, Neopets likes to keep Neopia as a separate entity than Earth. If they were to let us all wear different flags on our Neopets to represent where we are really from, it would be chaotic.


Now I think having different shirts or flags or something to represent our favorite parts of Neopia would be cool - and doable. For instance a Haunted Woods flag or a Terror Mountain flag or something. That way we can all still represent where we're from, or wish we were from, in Neopia - without the consequences of showing everyone where our real country is :)


Edit: As I've mentioned before in other threads I don't always read every reply. I usually see the title, read a few, and then respond. I didn't see JB's post - but clearly smart people think alike ;) hahah.

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They put real Holidays into Neopets, so why not real Countries? Who says Neopia cant recognize Earth, where the Neopets "owners" live.


Because celebrating holidays are supposed to bring cheer and all that blah blah blah. Neopets knows that some people will most definitely start confrontations over where people are from. Some people are ignorant, and it ruins it for everyone else. That's why they created the world of Neopia for us to explore. When we are on Neopets we are Neopians and we are from Neopia. Not Earthlings from whatever country we are from. That's just how TNT has always seen it.

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It's not a practical idea. People will start harassing each other based on where they come from !! :angry:


Flags of Neo-lands would be a better option


I would proudly display the Neovian Flag and run for the Mayor of Neovia lol :king: :yes:

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